North America's Top Ten Cryptids: Legends, Sightings, and Theories: Uncovering the Mystery and Myths of North America's Legendary Cryptids

The book includes what the author considers to be the top ten cryptids in North America. For each cryptid the autors includes it's legend, history and origins, physical description, theories and explanations and pop culture influences which makes a pretty thorough examination.

The cryptids include Sasquatch, Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, Mothman, Wendego, the Flatlands Monster, Skinwalkers, the Enfield Horror, the Lizard Man and the Dogman.

A definition of cryptid is also given and pop culture references in books, comic books, movies, televison shows and computer games.

That's a lot but the book has what I consider to be a fairly major problem and that is it repeats itself over and over. Someimes partial sentences, sometimes almost entire paragraphs.

If these repeats had been removed my guess is the book would have been shorter by around 30% or so.

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