Of Ghostly Origins: More True Life Experiences of a Paranormal Investigator

These are true stories. One of them notes how, sometimes (probably rarely) someone who goes ghost hunting might bring back some thing with them to their own homes. There is also references to something called a 'spirit box' which is something to use to try to communicate with ghosts.

The author takes a very intelligent approach to investigations where a natural explanation for things is searched for first which is the way such things should be done.

There's a number of ghost sightings, of course, but the thing that fascinated me most was when they were using two recorders in a room. The author and one other person were talking to each other which, you would expect, both recorders would pick up in exactly the same way.

The recorders, though, recorded two slightly different conversations from the two investigators. The author's theory is that, somehow, at least one of the recorders if not both picked up a discussion between the two investigators not from this reality but from a parallel reality.

The multiverse theory holds that there are many realities and that it is possible there is a reality very much like ours where other versions of ourselves live. A discussion between person A and B in this reality may also be taking place in another reality but the actual specific discussion might differ in some details just as the recorders picked up.

Just how this happens, of course, is a complete mystery. Further, there is no scientific proof of other realities much less parallel realities with other versions of ourselves but, if such a thing does exist, it would explain how the two recorders picked up two slightly different discussions.