The Really Ancient World : Magic Creatures and the Goddess of the Universe Kindle Edition

This book is the equivalent of a book on Vogon poetry. It's that bad.

I got the Kindle version so maybe the layout is better in the printed version but, in the Kindle, paragraphs are not important. It reads like a mix between poetry and a very minor attempt at traditional paragraph structure.

There are photos where you are somehow expected to see strange things or bits of strange things but, considering many of the photos are of the United States taken maybe from space then seeing what the author is talking about is basically impossible.

There a number of outright mistakes such as Samuel (of the Bible) was a Minotaur.

'The earth then became a third smaller than it was. Scholars believe that's where the moon and asteroid belt came from.' (The Earth was hit by a planetoid which caused eject to be sent up which eventually formed the Moon but that had nothing to do with making the asteroid belt.)

God caused the great flood to rid the earth of dragons and giants.

The author refers to an 800,000 year old statue of a goddess. (Humans such as we are today did not exist that long ago.)

The Egyptian pyramids were made by giants.

One mummy had a finger thirty-two inches long.

The book is filled with things like this. I actually laughed at loud a number of times at things the book was saying. This has to be one of the worst books in both content and writing style that I have ever read.