Shadow People by Charles Branson

The book is about a rather scary parnormal phenomenon known as shadow people. These are beings (maybe) that are basically all black with some having red eyes. They can appear partially formed or fully formed. They can appear virtually anywhere, even in a person's home. They 'live' in the shadow areas of the bulding.

Most seem to be watchers but even at just at that they are scary and there are times when they move into the hostile arena. The book notes that they are not the same as ghosts.

The book notes various differences between them and ghosts and how they are more like Tolkien's Ringwraiths or related things.

The author examines at least ten different possibilities for what they might actually be. There are also at least eight known kinds such as lurkers and hunters. How they find their way into a home is covered along with negative impacts, energy vampires and possible ways to get rid of them, three of which are included in the appendices.

Kind of dark material but still interesting and well done.

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