Lost on Skinwalker Ranch

The book refers to the Bigelow time at the ranch. It's from a guard's experiences and some of it is 'normal' for the ranch including things like odd lights being seen, a strong sense of dread, portal(s), strange creatures and so on.

There's also the sound of drumming which is not usual as far as I've read. There's also the experience of something evil being near the bed the man was in and this not an unusual occurrence. (It was captured on video.)

There's also batteries dying (usual) and shooting at something strange with no damage to it at all (usual.)

What is very, very unusual is how the guard seems to have ended up in some other kind of reality, a one where he was missing for 80 hours of 'normal' time and the various things that happened to him during that time which were very much extremely strange.

That section alone makes the book worth getting and reading. Very, very unusual and very, very hard to even try to explain.

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