Comments on Whe the Secrets of Skinwalker Rance Don't Stay on Skinwalker Ranch

I found this material on the Den of Geek. I'll go over some high points and make some comments of my own.

The article says the ranch 'allegedly experiences paranormal activity regular from UFOs and cattle mutiliations...' I've watched the show and it has shown a real cattle mutiliation and a bunch of unidentified flying lights that could be UFOs or could be something else.

The article goes on to talk about Brandon Fugal, the current owner of the ranch. He started as a skeptic as did at least one of the people on the scientific team working at the ranch. Later Fugal changed over to a believer of at least something odd going on as he experienced and learned of various really weird things going on there.

On the episodes I've seen so far there have been a whole lot of lights flying in the sky, people getting sick and going to the hospital due to radiation exposure that doesn't happen again at the same place and there seems to be some kind of portal or portals that are operating there.

The article notes how many electronic devices seem to be drained of all their power, especially when the investigators are trying to do some kind of particular study.

There's also the 'hitchiker effect' which is really strange and definitely potentially dangerous, where people who have been on the ranch go back to their homes and odd things might happen to them there. There also seems to be some kind of connection between certain things happening on the ranch and being measured and happening at a person's home and being measured at exactly the same time.

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