10 Cryptids That Might Really Exist

Monsters and weird beings of mystery. Creatures that might, and might not, actually exist but either way have left their legend in stories and movies. This book looks at a variety of cryptids and discusses whether or not they might actually exist in today's world.

The author does note Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster as two things that are written about the most and the existence of neither has been scientifically proven.

One creature is from Japan the Akkorukama which is something like a squid or an octopus. This notes that many creatures are sea-related since humans have actually studied only a very small part of the oceans and there could well be things that dwell deep in the waters that would classify as cryptids.

Another creature is the Lazarus Shark which could be related to a very ancient sea creature. In Britain there's the Black Dog. Another creature is the Sleep Demon which includes things like hags, subbuci and incubi, all of which have a very long legendary history to them.

One creature can be identified as a common animal. One could be a hold-over from the flying dinosaurs. There's big cats, big worms and even a flying humanoid.

It's a neat book and shows that biological mystery has been part of folklore for a very long time and is still going on today.

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