UFO Disclosure 2021

The book starts off with a table of abbreviations which is a good idea. It then moves on to Adamski, Abductions and Betty and Barney Hill. It points out that he oldest UFO recorded goes all way back to 1440 BC.

This establishes that they have been around at least since then if not before but not recorded. It goes on to talk about ancient Roman sightings and early Japan sightings of UFOs.

It moves on to ancient astronaut theories before moving on to times nearer to the present starting with events in the 1940's and 1950's including the Roswell balloon/crash and closer to today including the Disclosure Project, recent UFO sightings, the asteroid Omuamua and presents the idea that perhaps the star of Bethlehem was actually a UFO.

References are included.

I'm a little surprised about the balloon explanation for Roswell since the crash left a long furrow and a crashed balloon wouldn't do that.

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