The Weird and Mysterious United States: Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena across America

The book divides the United States into various parts and examines the unusual things that are associated with each section. For example, the Northeast has the Salem With Trials and what happened to the Roanoke colony.

h2 align=left>The Viking sea crossings are covered and how they found North America at least five hundred years before Columbus 'discovered' anything. The pre-Columbian civilizations are discussed. Other things discussed in the book include the Betty and Barney Hill UFO abduction, the Lake Champlain monster, globsters, the Pigman, Melon Heads, hauntings, town disputes, vampires, lost Confederate gold, the Bell Witch, Bigfoot, the Phantom Chickens of Seymore, Wisconsin (one of my favorites), the Loveland Frogman (another of my favorites) and lost treasure in the Wild West among other things. h2 align=left>There's also a bibliography. h2 align=left>It's a fascinating book and has a good variety of things which helps.

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