Roswell Revisited

The book goes into what happened in Roswell back in 1947 when a crater around 500 feet long was made by something. This is the first time I've heard of a crater/depression being made and, if accurate, would totally negate the idea that the object was a weather balloon.

The book discusses various witnesses to the crash, the Wright Patterson evidence, the 'blue room,' how a lot of people involved with the crash study ended up being transferred to other objects (at times a definite downward career move), and other things about the crash that raise a great number of questions about the government statement that the object was just a weather balloon.

One of the things I haven't yet seen anyone address, though, is, if it was a UFO crash then what could possibly have caused the object to crash? I'm assuming any UFO would be built extremely well (to go through space or dimensions) and all the parts would be reliable. Also, what kind of power source would not cause an explosion in a crash of such magnitude?

One other point no one I've seen has addressed. Any alien life form from another dimension/reality would have evolved on a different planet than ours. Each planet with life on it would have evolved in a certain way. This means that microorganisms, especially, that might prove harmless on Planet X might be extremely deadly to humans because in our evolution we were not exposed to those microorganisms and thus never developed any actual immunity to them.

Yet the story is that the bodies were taken from the ship by men who were not in hazmat suits or anything like it and were given an autopsy by doctors who were in regular doctor clothing and not in any kind of sealed area so any microorganisms in the bodies of the aliens could have spread easily and caused major problems for humans.

That's a couple of points I've not seen discussed in any of the books about UFO crashes. This microbe problem would also apply to cases of abductions by aliens, too.

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