Alien Disclosure: Lon Strickler


The author dates possible alien contact back to the 12th or 13th centuries BCE. He holds that a UFO landed in the Nile region and they merged with the humans living there. The sun god worship later established in Egypt was from remembrance of the alien craft.

He talks about the alien's agenda (technological and biological singularity), alien abduction (and why women are abducted so often) and orbs.

(In my opinion if alien abductions are real then they are definitely a sign of hostility on the part of the aliens. If they are using human women for breeding purposes then that ups the level of hostility even more.)

The author refers to humans used as slaves to Reptilian underground aliens. (Again, this would be a major act of hostility on the part of the aliens.)

He notes entire families can be abducted.

He notes the Reptilians despise humans. He also talks about when a U.S. aircraft carrier was approached by an alien craft (and it seems that not one single person on the aircraft carrier tried to fire at it with anything?)

He also talks about the black-eyed kids and the M.I.B.s.

This is an interesting book but I really think the author should have noted that these actions by the aliens (if they exist) are of a majorly hostile nature and, if true, the information about aliens should be modified to note their hostility.

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