Alien Encounters: -The Truth-: Alien & UFO Encounters up to 2022

This is a very extensive and, at times, somewhat complex book on various topics. The author notes that debunkers sometimes bully those who say there are things like UFOs, Bigfoot and so forth. On the other hand when someone says there are over eighty species of aliens in a base on a moon of Saturn the believably of some statements about UFOs and space aliens gets (justly) called into question.

The author goes over basic laws of physics in relation to astronomy, the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox, types of stars and whether or not a certain type can have habitable planets, why SETI is no good, the Battle of Dulce, ancient dead cities on Earth that show radiation, the concept of the Star Child and maps that show Antarctica without ice, maps which are supposed to be impossible.

The author covers The Battle of Los Angeles, Foo Fighters, the Roswell crash and the time a bunch of UFOs were over Washington, D.C. He discusses the rumor that the U.S. made a treaty with space aliens, if there is an alien base on the far side of the moon, how Zeta Reticuli keeps coming up in relation to UFOs, alien abductions, alien atmosphere, triangular craft, the 'Face on Mars' and other things on Mars which could be interpreted as being from aliens, hoaxes, recommended movies and television shows in relation to the topics, anti-matter usage and how worm holes might be involved in alien space travel.

Obviously the author covers a lot of topics so if you want a good overview of the topic, what things are fake and what things seem to be real and whether or not aliens actually exist then this is a good book to read.

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