Before Roswell

The book lists various UFO sightings and crashes from the time of Roswell on back through history. That alone is interesting but it's what you can do with the information that really gives the book value.

1947 was the year of the Roswell crash and also the year of the Kenneth Arnold sighting and how what he said he saw was misinterpreted and the term flying saucers ended up coming into use.

It talks about the Battle of Los Angeles and a UFO crash in 1941 with three aliens dead.

Here's where a question is appropriate. There are a lot of UFO crashes in the book so why do so many crash? Are the UFOs poorly built, is there something interfering with them or are the stories of crashes untrue?

The book talks about the Foo Fighters during World War II and brings up a very important point I have not seen elsewhere. What happened when one collided with a plane?

There are the usual saucer-shaped objects and cigar-shaped objects covered during this time. We go backwards and learn about a German war pilot who is said to have shot down a UFO. The author then mentions the Tungusta event and believes it was a UFO crash but I go along with many others who think it was a mid-air explosion of a meteorite or comet.

There's the Great Airship Flap of 1897 and we get into another type of UFO/UAP that is totally different from traditional UFOs, these being craft that resembled (at times) Dirigibles and Zeppelins or some kind of rather odd flying device that might have been taken from a kind of science fiction book of the times.

This type of sighting at times included talking to beings that seemed to be human but almost always spoke in a language that the observers did not understand. There's more crashes in U.S. and an explosion over France.

The book moves into the 1600's and has a very fascinating discussion over a 1680 French Coin that shows what could easily be considered to be a UFO. (Skeptics say it's a flower but since when did flowers have portholes along the side?)

There's an entry about Christopher Columbus and cattle mutilation in the 1300's. There's the first illustration of what seems to be a UFO in 1034, a 650 UFO in India and a guy supposedly taken to another planet.

Then we go back to the 600's and earlier and, among others, Ezekiel's sighting which some interpret as being a UFO. In the BCE period of time there's Elijah taken into the sky but a possible UFO, sightings in China and India, visitors supposedly from Sirius and the vimanas.

There's lots more sightings than the ones I've referred to. It's a fascinating book all the way through.

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