Ghosts of Salem: Haunts of the Witch City

This is a book about the various supernatural things that are centered on the town of Salem where 19 people were murdered on charges of witchcraft.

If very strong emotions of a negative nature can somehow 'infest' a place and result in supernatural things like ghosts then Salem is a perfect place for that to happen. The amount of hatred generated during the trials (which, by the way, many centered around greedy people wanting other people's property or personal grudges against certain people and not actual witchcraft) was very high and it's no surprise that strange things happen there.

The book discusses a number of areas in the town including a cemetery, crime haunts, cursed haunts, what Nathaniel Hawthorne had to do with everything and nightlife haunts, among other topics. What complicates things is how some people there have taken advantage of the stories about the place to sell things to tourists so sometimes the real truth and the for-sale truth clash.

The book also uses the number of nine million for the number of people killed world-wide on charges of witchcraft. The number is at the high end of the various numbers I have read which range from a low of maybe 15,000 on up to the high end.

It's a well done book.

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