Building Bridges Part 2

"Kentaro? Who's....Kentaro?" Ryoga leaned forward in interest.

"He's the guy that I'm.....I'm training. In the Art."

Ryoga didn't miss the slight stammer in Ranma's voice. He didn't miss the sudden flare of scarlet on her cheeks or the way she started to wring her fingers together.

"So this Kentaro guy is...your student? Don't make me laugh, Ranma. You've hitched up with a guy, haven't you? You know, Ranma, that's sick. And the guy must be just as sick as you. You run away from Akane and..."

"SHUT UP, YOU!!! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE GONE THROUGH?!? AND DON'T YOU SAY THOSE THINGS ABOUT KENTARO!! HE'S......!" Ranma turned away from Ryoga and stood there, shaking with rage.

"He's your boyfriend?"

"NO! He's just a friend, that's all! Don't you dare jump to conclusions!!"

"How can I not, Ranma?! YOU ran away from Akane. YOU'VE hurt her badly. YOU and YOUR curse is the source of her pain, Ranma!!"

Ranma turned around but Ryoga wasn't there anymore.

"One more thing. The Ranma I knew wouldn't have run away from Akane. See you later.....Ranko. Ha ha ha ha....."

Ryoga's voice seemed to come from somewhere in front of her but she couldn't see where he went, nor figure out where the voice was coming from. Ethics be damned! She wanted to beat the crap out of Ryoga RIGHT NOW. But Ryoga wasn't there. Only the sigh of the wind and the rustle of leaves filled the silence.

"ARRRGHHHH!!!!!", Ranma screamed and she whirled on a nearby wall. With heedless punches, she drove her fists through the stone with an almost staccato rhythm, reducing the wall to rubble in a matter of seconds.

Then she fell to her knees and pounded her hands through the concrete sidewalk.


She started to cry.

"And....damn...Akane...too...", she whispered softly, painfully, in between her sobs.

- - - - - -

It wasn't until evening had come around when Ranma finally pulled enough of herself together to get up from the remains of the broken wall. She started to stumble towards the Tendo Dojo, which was just down the street.

In a while, her heart beating rapidly, she opened the door and stepped inside.

The house was full of lights and even from the stone steps she could hear the laughter and merriment coming from inside the house. She saw many shoes on the porch.

Ranma stepped onto the wooden porch and reached her hand out to open the door. It felt strange indeed, to try and enter a house that didn't feel like home anymore. It *was* her home, more so than her real home, but somehow she didn't feel like it was anything more than a house, anymore. Her hand stopped a few inches from the handle, and trembled slightly.

What would they say? What would they think? She had stormed out of the house with little more than this same duffel bag across her back. Kasumi had been thoughtful enough to send money and other personal belongings to the college but the fact of the matter still hasn't changed. Curse her father! Curse him and his fatherly pride!

With gritted teeth, her heart in her throat, she slowly slid the door backwards and stepped inside. Then she remembered to remove her shoes and place them by the door. Then she followed the noise until she reached the dining room, where the celebration was being held.

"Happy birthday to you....happy birthday, dear Nabiki....! Happy birthday to YOU!!"

Ranma stood in the hallway and mused to herself. Ranma was about to go in when she heard Akane's voice. She stopped dead in her tracks.

"Happy birthday, Nabiki!!!

"Thank you, Akane! I'm so happy that I'm 21!! Now I'm really an adult....and I know just WHAT I'm going to do with my new status....!"

, Ranma thought as she edged closer to the entrance.

"Say, Akane. Why didn't you call Ranma back from the college to celebrate with us?"

Ranma froze, her heart pounding against her chest, breathless and anticipating. What would Akane say?

"Akane? Hey.....hey, Akane! Don't start moping on me, now. Today is my birthday, if you remember."

"S-Sorry, Nabiki. It's just that....that whenever I...I remember..."

"No, no. Akane, just take a seat, alright? Have some cake. Come on, just _lighten_ up and have some fun!"

"Thanks, Nabiki."

"Okay, everyone! Grab a slice of cake and let's go to the Dojo!!" Ranma recognized that voice as Mr. Tendo's. There was general bedlam for a few minutes, then everyone started to head off to the Dojo.

Ranma, thinking quickly, leapt straight up and clung to the ceiling. She watched all of Nabiki's friends, which were quite considerable, Mr. Tendo, and her parents, tromp by under her. Except Akane. Then she heard Ryoga's voice from the dining room.

"Akane, let's go. There's no need to...."

"Ryoga, thanks for caring but...but I want to be alone. For now."


"Ryoga...I'm...I'm sorry. It's just that...when Nabiki said..."

"That's okay, Akane. I'll wait for you however long it takes, Akane." Ranma heard footsteps.

"Ryoga? I thought you said you'd wait...?"

"I said I'll wait for you, Akane. I'll always be here for you. I'll never leave you." With that, Ryoga stepped from the dining room and passed under Ranma, on the way to the dojo. He didn't falter in his steps. It was as if the Tendo home had become something of a second home to Ryoga, so familiarly did he tread the hallways.

Ranma's face contorted in anger. She was tempted to drop upon Ryoga in the hallway and tear him to pieces but what Ryoga had said to her rang through her mind. She spared Ryoga - for now. She watched Ryoga leave and she stayed clinging on the ceiling for a long while, until she heard crying. Akane was crying, her sobs breaking the silence that hung around the dining area.

Ranma let herself go from the ceiling and she landed without a sound. Then she walked around the screen door and stepped into the dining area. Akane sat on a chair, hands covering her face and crying. Ranma felt a compulsion to drop her duffel bag, run to Akane and hold her tight, and tell her that everything was alright. But she hardened her heart and steeled her legs, willing them not to move. Every sense in her body cried out for her to comfort Akane but she steadfastly ignored them.

It saddened Ranma to see Akane changing into a different person than she knew. It was all because of that curse. It all came back to Jusenkyo. When Akane didn't notice her presence, Ranma decided to announce herself.


Akane snapped her head up in surprise. Her eyes were red from crying.

"Ranma? Ranma..!" Akane leapt up ran to Ranma, arms extended, but Ranma sidestepped her and Akane stumbled.

"Akane. Why?"

"Ranma? What do you mean?" Akane had a shocked look on her face.

"Your....your boyfriend. I know who he is...", she finished lamely.

"Ryoga?! Ranma, you leave him alo..."

Ranma let her duffel bag fall from her fingers to the floor. Akane had progressed further than she had expected with Ryoga! For her to care so much about Ryoga as to rebuke Ranma as she did... - it threatened to bring tears to Ranma's eyes but she held them back in. She would not show weakness. Not especially to Akane. Ranma sat down on the floor, legs folded under her.

"Ranma? Ranma, I....thought you...."

"No, Akane. Remember? I don't strike people in anger."

"I see. Well, you just missed Nabiki's birthday....she's twenty- one now!" Akane said in a voice that is regretful, cheery and hopeful, seeming to want to change the subject as quickly as possible. Ranma gave her no quarter.

"Why didn't you invite me, Akane? You should have called me, at least to tell me."

Ranma could see that Akane knew that Ranma wasn't concerned about Nabiki's birthday one bit. It was the issue of Akane neglecting to invite her back home, back to the Tendo Dojo. Ranma wondered if the gulf between them had widened so far that she didn't want to see her again.

"Ranma, why did you come back?" Wistful now, and sorrowful. A touch of regret and bittersweet.

"To see how you were doing, Akane. I guess you are doing better than I thought." Her voice sounded like someone who had been betrayed, even to her, but she didn't care. Let Akane think what she wanted.

"NO! DON'T SAY THAT!! Ranma, I...I loved you! I can't love you as you are now....!"

"WHY NOT?!", Ranma shot back.

"Because...because you're a girl.", Akane whispered. She fidgeted with the tablecloth.

Ranma banged her fists into the floor. AGAIN! It always came back to that stupid curse! Why couldn't she love her as she is?!

But Ranma already knew the answer. It was just pointless to agonize over the obvious. Ranma looked at the hand-shaped indentations in the floor, and sighed. More repair work for Mr. Tendo.

"Ranma. I know how you feel. We've already gone over all this many, many times. I have already told you, Ranma, that it's time for you to get on with your life. It is time to move on...."

"Move on? Just WHAT do you mean, Akane?" Ranma had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that she already knew what Akane meant.

"I mean....forgive me for saying so, but can't you...can't you, umm, love anyone else? I want to love you but I can't. I just can't, seeing the way you are now." Akane had a serious look on her face.

"You another girl? I can do that but...."

"I know. That's why I didn't say for you to love another girl...."

Ranma thought for a while as Akane looked away from her. Then what Akane said finally clicked into her head. And all her efforts to present a strong image crumbled.

"You mean, love another guy?? Akane?"

Akane didn't turn around.

"Akane? What ab-about us? Us! Me and you! Akane...!"

"Ranma, I just want the best for you. The best option may not always be attractive, but it may be better than just being alone for the rest of your life, Ranma..."

"Akane? What gave you that idea? What makes you think I can ever love a guy? I'm a guy least I was."

"That..that...guy you were talking to. In the booth." Akane looked away.

"What? were spying on us?" Ranma blushed crimson. Akane turned back to her.

"I didn't just leave, Ranma. I saw how casually you talked to him. I watched your reaction to his questions. If you....if you play it right you could..."

"No!! I can't do it, Akane! I just can't!"

But Ranma didn't really believe herself. Her loud and quick denials sounded hollow to her ears. She found herself thinking of Kentaro again, and their training sessions together. She had come to rely on those sessions, but for what reason she didn't know. It was just that she didn't like the thought of missing a training session with Kentaro. Yes. That's it.

However, even now, she wished that she hadn't reacted as she did in his room. She wished now that she could take back her actions and......

"Ranma. I'm sorry. I can't think of any other solution to your problem. Maybe you can learn to live as a girl, Ranma. I'm very sorry but I don't see any other way to cure you."

Akane's words snapped Ranma out of her reverie.

"Akane...can't we..."

"No, Ranma. We've already gone over this. I don't want to hurt you or myself anymore. It is time to get on with our lives, Ranma. We can still be friends, like what I said at your college...."

"Akane. For me, it is one or the other. I cannot be your friend, Akane, after knowing what love is. It is either I love you, or I can't. There is no compromise."

There was shocked silence for a moment, hanging in the air like the sharp ring of steel on steel.

"Ranma...!" Akane's voice had a desperate, pleading tone to it.

"Choose, Akane." Ranma's tone was now merciless as she regained the upper hand. She needed to know! She would not leave without knowing, once and for all, Akane's answer. It was almost as if their last conversation had never ended. This was it. The end, or the rekindling, of her old life.

It truly pained Ranma to do this to the, WOMAN she loves, she corrected herself.

Akane was silent for many long minutes, turning once in a while to stare out at the pond, where the carp were thrashing agitatedly in the water. Then, taking a deep and steadying breath, she turned back to Ranma, hands folded on her lap and her head downcast.

"Ranma. I love...I mean, I loved you a lot. You were the first person that I cared about in that way, Ranma. I loved you as much as you loved me." Akane looked into Ranma's expressionless face. "You're right. After knowing what love is....oh, I was such an idiot for asking if we could still be friends..."

"Then it's true. Well, Akane. I...I hope you and Ryoga live together happily. He'd better take good care of you, or else. I wish I could have done the..the same's too late for regrets. Remember, Akane. Remember me, after I'm gone. Goodbye." Ranma grabbed her duffel bag and surged to her feet. She turned around and started to leave the room.

With a cry, Akane got up and ran to Ranma. She grabbed her by the shoulders and held her back.

"Ranma!! Don't go! We can't love each other but don't go!! Don't leave me alone again...! Ranma, why can't you see what..."

Ranma, who had been controlling her feelings of anger and betrayal, whirled on Akane, like an enraged tigress, and struck her across the face with her hand, the sound of the slap echoing in the room. Akane fell to the floor with a cry of pain and clutched a hand to her face.

"How can you be alone, Akane?! You've got Ryoga! There was a time when I had loved you but now it is past. How I wished that I had never even heard of you or your stupid family or your stupid Dojo! I wish I could forget this whole damned fiancee thing, especially you, and everyone else in this neighbourhood and EVERYTHING!!"

"You're not the Ranma I know...."

"What??!" Ranma's face was still livid.

"The Ranma I know wouldn't.....wouldn't have hit me. No matter what."

"Akane....?" Ranma was confused now.

"Go. Get out of here. Get out of my life. You've caused me too much pain,"

"Akane, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for hitting you..." Ranma took a step closer to the fallen Akane, meaning to hold her in her arms and comfort her, to apologize to her for everything she had done to her. Akane held up a hand and Ranma halted in her tracks.

"No. Didn't you hear me? GET OUT."



"Akane!!!" Ranma's voice was desperate! Akane was telling her to get out of her life!


Ranma turned and ran, tears streaming from her eyes. Akane had told her to get out. For good, it seemed. She didn't stop running until she was halfway down the road. Then she turned back and looked at the Dojo, now a sombre reminder of what had been and what cannot be. She would, in all likelihood, never return here. Not after what...what...Akane had said.

With a cry of anguish that echoed down the deserted streets of Nerima Ward, Ranma resumed her headlong flight to the train station.

* * *

"Akane? Wasn't there someone in here? I thought I heard voices...."

"No. It's nothing, Kasumi. Nobody was here."

"Are you sure, Akane? Because I'm pretty sure that...."

"I told you, Kasumi! NOBODY was here. NO ONE."

"Alright, Akane. Akane, why don't you join everyone in the Dojo? I'm going there now."

"I'll be along, Kasumi."

When Kasumi was gone, Akane pulled a picture out of her pocket. It was wrinkled and torn around the edges, as if it had been carried everywhere she went. She put her hands on either side of it and began to tear it in two, but she stopped. Her fingers trembled slightly, but she couldn't bring herself to destroy it. No. It was her only remembrance. She was not likely to come back to the Tendo Dojo, not after what Akane had said to her.

A fresh bout of crying hit her then and she clutched the picture of male Ranma to herself. Nothing else disturbed her mourning, not even the sound of the carp leaping from the pond. The frisky carp, which usually jumped every once in a while, lay quiescent in the bottom of the pond, unmoving and stilled.

* * *

"...and I took the train, revisited all the spots where I had stayed in, and came back here. Then school started know. Anyways, that's all." Ranma fell silent. The only sound in the room was that of a clock ticking on her desk.

"That Akane girl....wouldn't it be the same girl whom you were talking to....?", asked Kentaro tentatively, an understanding of the whole situation beginning to form in his head.


"If you don't mind me saying so, I think it looks like Akane had abandoned you...for Ryo..."

Before he could even blink he was shoved hard on the bed and held there, with one hand, by an angry Ranma.

"No matter what it seems like, Akane did *not* abandon me, you got that? She - did - not - abandon - me. If anything, *I* abandoned her."

"But she turned to that Ryoga guy after you left and..."

"SHUT UP, Kentaro. SHUT - UP. I told you what has been bugging me. Why do you have to keep rubbing my face in it?!" Her voice was deadly quiet, and serious, but Kentaro could still hear the pain in it.

She was obviously hurt by what Akane did in her absence. He could understand Ranma's position - her fiancee, if one believed her tale, is dating her one-time rival for Akane's love. It was surprising that Ranma wasn't already crying. He knew that HE would if he was in her position. But Ranma WAS crying - inside, that is. Depression was threatening to engulf her and she wasn't doing a thing about it.

Kentaro tried to get up but Ranma's arm was like a steel rod - it gave no slack and didn't even move no matter how hard he tried to move it. Ranma was looking down at him with that pain-filled gaze, and it hurt him to see her so unhappy. He stopped struggling and just lay back.

"Ranma. You may have told your story but it is still eating you up from the inside. You won't let anyone share your burden because you see it as your own. It was your curse that caused Akane such grief, but there it is not your fault. That Ryoga guy was telling you that, himself. Ranma, you can't be blamed for getting the curse in the first place. Didn't you tell me that your father knocked you into the pool?"

"Kentaro. You'd better shut up RIGHT NOW. It was MY fault that Akane is like this. It was MY fault for everything bad that has happened to my family and the Tendos. I'm the one to blame, not Akane!"

"Ranma, it is not your fault that Akane did what she did. If anything, it was her fault."

Ranma started to snarl something but Kentaro stopped her with a upheld hand, the look in his eyes demanding that Ranma hear him


"You're in a state of denial, Ranma. Didn't you just finish telling me that you had met Akane's *new* boyfriend?"

She flinched at his words and her eyes narrowed dangerously, but Kentaro forged ahead. He gave her no quarter.

"Who was it that told you to `get on with your life', Ranma? Tell me, Ranma, who couldn't choose between love and friendship? Where did her reply to your question leave you? Love transcends all barriers, true love that is. You had chosen to love her, come hell or high water, but your love was not reflected in her!"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT OF AKANE!! DON'T YOU SAY THAT!!", screamed Ranma down at Kentaro.

"She had *screwed* with your feelings by selling you out to Ryoga and, basically, by saying that she couldn't have *any* sort of relationship with you *but* still holding onto you like you're some sort of possession! I saw only selfishness, from what you told me, in Akane. She had gratified herself at your expense! She deserved that....."


Ranma's left hand was plastered against Kentaro's right cheek, searing a crimson image onto his skin. Tears came into Kentaro's eyes from the sharp pain of being slapped but he blinked them away and stared defiantly up at Ranma.

Ranma slowly pulled her hand from Kentaro's face and looked at it in horror.

"What...have...I...done? I-I hit you...!", she stammered. Then she looked at Kentaro, as if expecting him to say something that she didn't want to hear.

Kentaro slowly pulled her arm off his chest and he sat up on the bed, gingerly feeling his cheek. The clock kept ticking in the background, a countdown to the end of everything. He looked into Ranma's eyes, which held a measure of fear and shock.

"You're the Ranma I know."

Ranma started. It certainly wasn't what she was expecting Kentaro to say to her, and Kentaro knew it.

"But...I just..."

"I do not know any other, nor do I wish to, and I'm glad for that. I forgive you for hitting me like that, God knows I deserved it."

"Kentaro...your cheek! It's getting swollen!"

"Ranma. Listen to me. You had been faithful to Akane before you even went back to visit. We were only friends back then, right?"

Ranma looked at him for a long moment, then she nodded slightly, trepidation now written on her features.

"Ranma, you owe nothing to Akane now, so don't flog yourself because of the failings of others!"

* * *

Ranma unclenched her fists and looked silently at Kentaro. Once again he never failed to strike to the heart of her problems. She turned away from him and looked in the other direction, trying to sort out her feelings.

Akane wasn't faithful. She was sure that was it. Unlike herself, Akane had went and got herself a boyfriend, namely Ryoga, while she had toiled endlessly to try and reconciliate herself to her new body.

A commotion in the hallway outside caught both their attentions

and they both perked their ears up, to catch what was being said. * * *

"Panty raid!! Open up!!" It was a mixture of male voices, and one of them was rapping on Ranma's door. The shrieks of outraged girls mixed with the coarse laughter of the guys. Kentaro surged to his feet, fists bunched. This disgusting American tradition cannot continue!! How dare they adopt this...this custom from the gaijin!? He started to stomp to the door but Ranma grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back to the bed.

"What?! Ranma!! Let me go! These guys need to be taught a lesson!"

"Kentaro, just do as I do, alright? Trust me!", said Ranma, who began mussing up her hair.

"HEY!! We're coming in on the count of three!!", someone shouted at Ranma's door. The two of them could hear the struggle between the girls and the guys as the purloined pieces of underwear were being hotly contested over. Ranma had a half-disgusted and half-wistful smile on her face - a most curious expression, Kentaro noted.

"Wait a minute! Wait! This room number looks familiar, guys.....!"

"Yeah, it's that lesbian's!! We don't wanna go in there!"

Ranma quickly unbuttoned her blouse in the front, exposing one breast in all its naked glory to Kentaro, who was pleasantly dumbstruck by her actions.

"Muss up your hair, Kentaro."

Kentaro obediently mussed his hair up. While he was doing that, Ranma reached over to him and pulled the corners of his shirt up and out of their tucked-in position. She quickly unbuttoned half the buttons on his shirt. Then she placed her trembling right hand under Kentaro's left arm and grabbed his back, and she put her left hand on Kentaro's neck. Then she fell back on the bed while pulling Kentaro - so that he was on top of her. On instinct, he put his hands on either side of Ranma.

Ranma's eyes were shut and she seemed to be composing herself for an ordeal of some sort. Kentaro was too busy staring at her nakedness to wonder what she was doing.

"WHO CARES! Girls' underwear is girls' underwear! ONE!!!"

Ranma's eyes flew open and she looked up into Kentaro with a piercing gaze.

"Don't you dare take this seriously, Kentaro."

"Wh-what?", he stammered back, not understanding.

"TWO!!!", came the countdown again.

"Just play's really important. Do it or I'll hurt you." She said it matter-of-factly, but Kentaro didn't believe for a second that she would really carry out her threat. Ranma seemed to be relying heavily on his actions for whatever she was pulling off; besides he didn't mind this position at all - he rather liked the view too. Ranma saw him looking at her chest and she flushed all red.


The door was flung open and a whole horde of guys poured into the dorm room, clutching little shopping bags filled with frilly stuff.

At that same moment, Ranma's face took on an adoring look and her breathing came in short pants. Her eyes, wide and shining in the dim light, almost stopped Kentaro's heart for a second. She was so *beautiful* when she wanted to be...

"WHERE ARE THE PANTIES?!?", yelled one guy at the top of his lungs. Kentaro moved to give the guy a beating but Ranma touched a certain spot on his neck and he was immobilized. He was locked into his position.

"Hey...hey, guys! Umm, look at *them*!"

Oohs and ahhs issued from the assembled guys and Ranma, as if suddenly noticing them, whipped her head to look at them with a shocked expression on her face, her uncovered chest heaving. Kentaro wanted to look too but he couldn't even move a muscle, not while her finger was touching that nerve spot.

A crowd of girls barged into Ranma's room, holding improvised weapons, loudly demanding their underwear back, but they stopped short of hitting the guys when they saw Ranma and Kentaro in that position. Similar oohs and ahhs issued from them.

"So she's not a...a...", one guy whispered to his friend.

"What? You mean what you told me was a load of crap?! How *dare* you accuse that girl of being a lesbian!!", screeched one girl to a nervous looking guy.

"But she whacked those guys a while back...!"

"Any girl who already has a boyfriend would have done the same, idiot!!"

"What do you people think you're doing?!", snarled Ranma at the assembled students. "Don't you know the meaning of privacy?!"

"Errr, umm...!"

"But we....!"


"Yes, yes! Sorry! We're so sorry!"

"You pig! Don't you dare go around spreading rumors like that - unless you want me to leave you!", scolded that same girl to the same guy.

"S-sorry! We didn't mean to disturb you..! Please...please pardon us."

"GET - OUT!!", Ranma shouted again. They left Ranma's room posthaste, and one of them actually remembered to shut the door behind. Kentaro would have scratched his head in confusion if he could, but Ranma's finger was still touching that nerve point.

Ranma noticed. She released the finger pressure on his neck.

Kentaro, drained of all energy, fell on top of Ranma - his face squishing in between her breasts. Ranma yelped and threw Kentaro off her with a snap of her body, the bed creaking dangerously. Kentaro sailed in the air and crashed to the ground in a heap, moaning and groaning in pain.

Ranma's breath came in short gasps, and she clutched her hand to her chest. Her shirt had fallen about her, leaving her naked from the waist up. Kentaro got up from the floor and Ranma started to yell at him but Kentaro put a finger to his lips. Confused, Ranma watched Kentaro rip his shirt off and unbuckle his belt. Then he walked over to the door and wrenched it open.

A mass of guys and girls, who had their ears pressed against the door, tumbled inside Ranma's room in a heap. With shamed looks on their faces, they avoided Kentaro's look and slunk away muttering to themselves, disappointed that their fun had been ruined. Kentaro shut - and locked - the door. Then he turned back to Ranma, who was looking at him with grudging respect.

"T-thanks, Kentaro. My plan would've been ruined if you hadn't...."

"I know, Ranma. Tell me the story, will you? Don't keep things like those from me. You know I'll eventually find out sooner or later." He came back to Ranma and sat on her bed next to her, facing away.

"Well...those guys who just came in? They made...the moves on me a week back. One of them was drunk and grabbed my ass as I was turning away from them. They didn't get up for an hour after I was finished with them. Honestly! I went gentle on them but they couldn't take it! Feh, such weaklings. Anyways, they started a vendetta against me, calling me a lesbian and all that. Petty stuff, but everybody believed them."

"Oh. So *that's* what all this is about. Nice plan, Ranma."

"I'm sure *you* liked it. If you ever go bragging about it...!" Ranma held up a fist.

Kentaro wrapped a hand around her fist, his fingers slowly curling about hers, and brought it down. Ranma didn't resist as he put her hand down on the bed and pinned it there.

"Ranma, you know I wouldn't. You know I'm not like *them*."

"Y-Yeah. I....guess you're right. I think." Ranma pulled her hand from his and turned away from Kentaro, so he couldn't see her face. She started buttoning her shirt back up.

"Ranma, you wouldn't really hit me, right?"

Ranma looked back at Kentaro over her shoulder, and she gave him a cryptic smile. Kentaro grinned back at her and Ranma chuckled. She seemed to be in a better mood now.

"Okay, Kentaro. Fun time is over. Get your clothes back on and I'll see you tomorrow in the gym. Don't be late."

Kentaro hurriedly dressed up and left Ranma's room, throwing her a smile and a wave as he shut her door and went back to his dorm room.

* * *

Ranma heaved a sigh and fell back on her bed, her hands crossed behind her head. As she looked up at the ceiling, she seemed to see Kentaro looking down at her with a thoroughly confused expression on his face. She shuddered and closed her eyes. Never. She could never bring herself to do it. Never, never, never. Her eyes stole briefly, guiltily, to the calendar and they lingered there for a long moment.

She thought more of what Kentaro meant to her. He was always there to lend a shoulder, or a helping hand. He was her best friend at this college, and just now he had actually helped resolve the inner conflict she waged with her previous life. Insightful, thoughtful, and brutally honest. He was so honest that she could slap him sometimes...

Ranma looked at her hand, which was still red from hitting Kentaro.

Strange that all her pain had seemed to disappear the moment she had struck Kentaro, as if the act of slapping him had broken depression's hold on her. It was almost as if Kentaro had acted like a sponge, soaking out all the pain from her.

The thought ran through her head even when she turned out the lights to sleep and only the oblivion of slumber cast her thoughts of the present into the realm of dreams. And, for the first time in long weeks, her dreams were not of Akane.

* * *

Kentaro went inside his dorm room and saw Komatsu sitting at his desk, poring over a textbook as if his life depended on it. Komatsu looked up at him, and frowned.

"Where were you, man? The test is tomorrow!"

"Oh, somewhere."

Komatsu took stock of his friend. He turned his chair about to face Kentaro.

"Were you with Ranma?"

"How'd you know?!"

"Your belt isn't buckled. And your shirt isn't tucked in quite right. Also, your hair is mussed and you have *that* look on your face."

Kentaro flushed in embarrassment. Sometimes it seemed that Komatsu picked up too many things from Kentaro, like the observation of minute details, for one thing. He went to his bed and fell on it, his hands behind his head.

"So, how did it go? Did the two of you make out?"

"Komatsu, have you no shame?! Must you pry into my private affairs?"

"Hey, man! If you don't want to say anything, then just say so!"

Kentaro knew that sentence well. He sighed.

"Look, Komatsu. Pal...."

"I know, I know. Just get on with it!" Komatsu had all his attention on Kentaro now, hanging on his every word.

"Not tonight, Komatsu. I promise, tomorrow night. Right now, as you say, let's study." Kentaro pulled out his textbook from his bag and put in on his desk. He flipped it to the required page.



"Alright. But tomorrow?"

"Yup. I promise."

Although most of the night was spent studying, Kentaro just couldn't shake that image of Ranma beneath him, her nightshirt unbuttoned, her naked chest peeking out at him. And neither could he forget the way that the pain had left her eyes, or how she had laughed for the first time in weeks.

It made all his efforts seem worthwhile, and offered him some hope for the future.

Then the onslaught of numbers pouring forth from the open textbook finally took a firm hold of his mind, and he was lost in a swirl of meaningless equations and diagrams.

- - - - -

Two weeks passed and Wednesday seemed to take forever to arrive, but Kentaro worked off his anticipation by practicing the Art with Ranma. The day after his visit to Ranma's room, he had been taught the basics of the Art.

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