Bookends: A Pig's Tale

He didn't really know why, but Ryouga decided to stay around outside the Tendou house a bit. Maybe she'd *finally* get up the courage to talk with Ranma about the engagement. Besides, if he stayed here he wouldn't lose Akane for a while...

Ryouga contented himself looking up at the stars, wanting to share the beautiful sight with Akane. Akane had *smiled*, more than once tonight. He was happy just to see her happy, to make her happy... Ranma had forgotten how.

A scream interrupted Ryouga's thoughts, Akane's. He wanted to rush to her aid, but knew he couldn't. He wondered what Ranma had done to her; in her present state of mind, she was certainly capable of violence. He would soon find out.

The urgent sound of sirens interrupted his thoughts. For the first time since Akane's scream, he had a sinking feeling that it was *not* Akane who was in danger. An ambulance and a small truck sped down the street, screeching to a halt in front of the Tendou home. A group of people hurried out, carrying a stretcher and some medical equipment. Ryouga hoped... She would be all right.

Interminable moments crawled by. Had it been an hour, three minutes, or thirty seconds? Ryouga wasn't really sure when a group of people surrounding a stretcher emerged from the house. A glance their direction and a flash of red hair confirmed his suspicions. It was Ranma, a beeping box all that showed she still lived. The equipment quickly packed up again, the two vehicles sped off to *try* to save Ranma.

A bit later, he saw two women emerge from the house. The taller one, probably Kasumi, supported a girl who could only be Akane. It was hard to make out any intelligible speech due to distance, and Akane's apparent inability to speak coherently. He thought he did make out "How could she... I killed her." He thought on that for a while. The only conclusion he could come to was *he* killed her. Ranma had been his rival... *and* his friend.

What had he been thinking of? Soothing Akane's pain. He knew about Ranma's struggles from Akane's frequent reports as they worked on the dojo together. He thought of them only as they affected Akane, mostly ignoring the agony that caused Ranma to hurt the woman it was plainly obvious she loved more than life itself. He walked off into the night... there had been a reason to stay after all. He would be back soon, if he could find the Tendou home again.


Ryouga walked aimlessly, as was his lot in life. He had so many conflicting emotions. Outrage at Ranma, how could she do this to Akane? The girl could do *nothing* but spew venom at the woman she *claimed* to love. *Then* she had the nerve to take the coward's way out, rather than accept her fate like a...

Like a man?

Ryouga paused, then sat down at a bus stop. Perhaps it was time to halt his wandering for a while, to ponder.

What if their roles were reversed, and *he* had been given the potion? He would have still had Akane, in the way he always had, as P-chan. And Akane would have loved him. But he wouldn't be a man *ever* again... Just like Ranma. He always sort of envied Ranma's curse. 'How could you call such a beautiful body a curse?' he'd asked.

Simple, it wasn't a *man's* body. Akane *could not* love Ranma in her cursed form, though Ranma still loved *her*. He began to grasp the pain she felt. Her life was a hell that dwarfed even his. How much pain would she feel *for the rest of her life* if Akane and himself got together and started a family?

Ryouga swore that if Ranma survived... no, *when* Ranma got out, he would try to think of *her* and her feelings as well. He would try to be the friend Ranma so desperately needed before this... tragedy. He owed her at least that much; it was the least he could do.

But how? Ranma still held a romantic love Akane could *never* return. Akane loved Ranma, but more like a sister. Their happiness was *still* interdependent, however. He saw vivid proof of that at the Tendou home, tonight.

He would start by being her friend. Ryouga wondered if Ranma would *ever* be able to think of him as a friend... *Especially* if he took Akane up on her offer of a cure... And what if the blessed day finally came when Akane and he were man and wife? As a friend Ranma *might* be able to accept it, but if Ryouga had not restored their friendship... He would *have* to try for the sake of Ranma *and* Akane.v

Offering to spar with her *might* be a step on the road to friendship. He knew the Art was part of Ranma's soul, a part she seemed to have forgotten as her life, and soul, disintegrated. He would help her regain the skills and confidence she had lost, help make her whole again... Be her *friend* again.

Finally, Ryouga had to treat Ranma as a man, in *his* dealings with her; but look at her as a woman, in *her* dealings with Akane. Akane was not physically attracted to Ranma, but still loved, and *needed* her. Jealousy on his part would be unfounded and hurtful.

It would be difficult for all three of them, but he hoped Ranma would accept their relationship. Only when Ranma accepted *them* could he have *any* hope of a relationship with Akane. He realized with sadness that it was only due to tragedy that he got *this* chance. Akane's love for him would never be what it had been for Ranma.

The pain of *Akane's* loss would never go away, either.

It was time to walk again, to clear his mind. But would it *ever* be clear again? Things would never be as black and white as they had been. To win Akane's love, he had to embrace Ranma as well, and help *her* accept their love.


It was only a few days later that Ryouga stopped by the Tendou's again. He walked hesitantly to the door and knocked.

Kasumi opened the door, the smile on her face seemingly as cheerful as ever, if somewhat strained. "Hello, Ryouga-kun. What brings you here?"

Ryouga struggled a bit with what to say. "Well... I came to see if Akane was alright."

Kasumi answered, her smile unchanged. "How have you been, Ryouga-kun?"

"Uh, fairly well, when I'm not lost." His attempt at a smile froze on his lips.

"The weather has been quite nice of late. I'm sure you're pleased by the lack of rain, Ryouga-kun."

"The weather has been... fine." Ryouga looked down.

"Akane is *fine* as well, Ryouga-kun. Thanks for your concern. Perhaps... I'll even tell her you called, when she returns. Goodbye." Kasumi moved to close the door, a smile still pasted on her face.

"Excuse me, sis," Nabiki asked with a bit of urgency.

"Hai, Nabiki?" Kasumi turned to give sister a cold smile.v

"We *need* some help from..." She jerked a finger Ryouga's way. "Him," she finally spat. Her voice fell to a whisper; this was for Kasumi's ears alone. "Remember what the doctor thinks about the curse?"

Kasumi looked down, lost in thought for a few moments. "Hai." She moved away from the door.

Nabiki spoke in her sister's place. "Come in, Hibiki-san. I think we could use your help." Nabiki said, glaring. "That does *not* mean you are welcome here."

Bowing, Ryouga entered the home.

To Ryouga's surprise, Akane sat at a table inside. She was obviously hard at work on some documents. She looked up at him; her bloodshot eyes spoke of sleepless nights, her face streaked with tears shed over her loss.

Ryouga turned to Kasumi, a bit of anger in his eyes. "It would seem that Akane has returned, Kasumi..."

Kasumi turned to face him. She still smiled as always, but her voice rang with a chill that gave him shivers. "I only did what my heart told me I needed to do, Ryouga-kun. The last time I let you in this house, you *abused* my hospitality. Let me tell you what was going on in the kitchen when you and Akane decided to go out on your little... date. *Ranma* was helping me cook a special meal to celebrate the fact she and Akane had made it through school. She was a changed woman, all the pressure was finally gone." A real smile returned to her face, but only for a moment. Her expression began to darken. "Ranma was *happy*, finally ready to make amends and move on, then..." Tears washed away any remaining smile.

Ryouga couldn't even speak. What had he done? Help Akane? No, he'd hurt her and Ranma had nearly died.

Ryouga just stared at Akane. It was almost more than he could take. He bowed and excused himself, preparing to leave. It was over.

Nabiki's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Hibiki-san! We need to talk." Her eyes burned into his. "That's why you were invited in, not so you could see how you've hurt Akane."

Kasumi looked at Ryouga, her smile as before. "Have a seat, please, Ryouga-kun."

Ryouga sat on the same sofa as Kasumi, who promptly got up and took another seat. "I cannot even begin to atone for the damage I have done tonight to Ranma. I sought to *help* Akane, it seems I hurt her instead. And Ranma..." He looked down, his face ashen.

"Ryouga, you had help." Akane said in a soft voice, which didn't mask the pain still evident on her face. "I couldn't accept Ranma's new body. I wanted to find the comfort of a man, to escape from her bitterness for a night. But I never dreamed..." Tears reclaimed her voice.

Kasumi's voice returning to some of its calm reassurance. "I know I had my part in it too, trying to help her adjust to her new life."

"From what I heard, it sounded more like *force* being a woman down her throat. And not just that, a 'Woman Among Women'! I don't think Akane *or* I would qualify for that!" Nabiki spat, an angry look directed at her older sister.

"Her mother was not without blame..." Kasumi added, matching Nabiki's look with her own.

Akane had finally heard enough, as she shouted, "OKAY, there's enough blame for *everybody*!" She lowered her voice to a more appropriate level. "Let's concentrate on helping Ranma, okay? She *really* needs our help right now."

Nabiki and Kasumi couldn't help but smile at the tomboy's return. Akane's passion had been too long absent from both their lives.

"So, what's the problem?" Ryouga asked.

"Well, Ranma has recovered enough to where they're going to commit her to a hospital..." Nabiki answered.

"What? Why? I can't even *think* of an injury which would keep Ranma down for long!" Ryouga said with a confident smile, quickly beaten down by the stares of the older sisters.

Akane answered his questions. "People who try to kill themselves are not well, Ryouga. I only wish I'd looked for help sooner, before..." Akane couldn't stop crying.

Nabiki explained the situation. "Hibiki-san, Ranma *does* need help, but not nearly as much as the doctors currently think. They think *his* life was some sort of delusion. Perhaps a demonstration of a Jusenkyo curse would help sway their opinion. I've gathered up quite a few documents, but you..." She cast a glance at her younger sister, still sobbing softly. "Or should I say P-chan might provide a good example of just what the curse is."

Finally, his first chance to *help* Ranma's future, and his own. "I'll do it."

Akane stopped her sobbing, to give Ryouga a little smile. "Thanks, Ryouga."

"Akane, I promise that I'll *always* consider Ranma's feelings in the future." He looked down. "After this meeting, I think I'll go training for a while. I don't think I'll be back until *Ranma* says it's OK." I've already hurt her more than she can *ever* hurt me."

Nabiki wasn't going to let him off so easily. "That's true, *P-chan*. Ranma will *never* be able to sleep with the woman she loves. How many times have you?"

Guilt was evident in his eyes, his face reddening. "My dishonor shames me, only Ranma can restore it." He looked at Akane. "Both of us need Ranma back in our lives."

Nabiki couldn't resist another shot, her eyes boring into her target. "Why do *you* need her, Hibiki-san?"

Ryouga looked down, wracking his brain for what to say. "I need to escape from this *hell* I have trapped myself in." He looked up, his face devoid of emotion. "And Ranma holds the key."

Kasumi smiled at Nabiki, their squabbles forgotten "Are you ready?"

Nabiki looked up from the table, now occupied by a stuffed manila folder. "Yeah, I'll phone that doctor and see when he can squeeze us in."


Ryouga and the three Tendou sisters took a train and walked a few blocks to a medical complex. It was a bleak gray structure on a street filled with the same, sort of like their world right now.

A quick elevator ride took them to a lobby, plastic plants providing the illusion of life, but then illusions were no strangers here.


Nabiki walked to the receptionist and announced their party, then sat down to join her sisters. Ryouga had found a chair across the room and amused himself by studying the carpeting.

A man entered the room wearing a suit and tie, nothing about him betraying his profession. The doctor hoped the family his patient lived with would provide some insight into her delusions. He gave the three women a carefully practiced smile. "So you are the Tendou daughters?"

"Hai," the three answered, from blank faces.

He turned to Ryouga, offering him his hand, and the same plastic smile. "And you must be Mr. Hibiki."

Ryouga looked up from the floor. "Hai."

"Come with me." The doctor led them to a small meeting room. After all four were in, he closed the door.


The doctor spoke first, a 'smile' again decorating his face, much as the 'plants' decorated the lobby. "It was suggested that you might have some explanations for my patient's delusions. Why, for example, she *insists* she's a man, when all tests show she's *clearly* a woman."

Nabiki spoke, dead serious. "The short answer is that she *was* a man."

The doctor's practiced guise faltered, his expression betraying surprise. "So you supported her delusions?"

Nabiki spoke, her eyes focused on his. "Is *your* manhood a delusion?"

The man replied, surprise becoming understanding as he spoke. "Of course not! I take it you must be Akane..."

The smallest of the three women spoke. "I am Akane. And Ranma *was* a man. I... I loved him." She didn't know how long she could keep the tears away. Kasumi held her hand, favoring her little sister with a sad smile.

The man's expression became more serious. "So you were the one whose infidelity brought on her breakdown."

Tears welled up inside her and poured out. All Akane could think of was sadness and guilt. Kasumi cradled her sister's head in her hands, glaring at the doctor. "You have to understand, sir. It's been very hard on Akane, ever since Ranma..." Kasumi struggled against tears of her own, but she would deny them, for Akane.

The doctor's practiced smile had returned. He had never expected Ranma's friends to be afflicted, too. "Ever since Akane found out Ranma was a woman? Come *on* Miss Tendou! Ranma's barely a meter and a half tall, and is *very*, shall we say, 'well built'. How did *any* of you ever think she was a man?"

Nabiki opened her folder, and began to present her case. Her expression remained serious as she laid out a series of photos showing Ranma in both forms. "Because she *was* a man. Look at these photos. She used to be able to change with water. Cold would make her female, warm, male. Now she can't change."

The doctor offered Nabiki a bemused smile. "Sorry; I don't believe in magic."

Ryouga stood, glad there was a pitcher and glasses on the table. He filled a glass, glaring at the doctor. "Then, explain this!" Pouring the water over his head, he changed. In moments, a small black piglet scrambled out from amidst the clothes, *glaring* at Ranma's accuser.

The doctor picked the piglet up, in awe of something science couldn't explain. His mind told him it was a trick, like all magic. There must be some slight of hand, or magician's props involved... Some *rational* explanation. He set the animal down on the table.

"Excuse me." Nabiki got up and got some hot water from an urn, though she wasn't going to make tea. "Explain this please..." She poured the water over the piglet's head.

Unconcealed by clothing, the curse was exposed in all its horror. The doctor gazed open-mouthed at the swiftly expanding form, whose change stopped with an unclothed man seated on the table.

Ryouga reddened and quickly dressed.

All his training could not explain what he had seen, except to give him confidence his eyes spoke true. Understanding brought a *real* smile to his face. "So, Ranma..."

Akane looked tearfully at him, as she lifted herself from her sister's embrace. "*Was* a man, and raised to be very much a man. It was agony for her to be trapped in that small, female body. She couldn't handle it. Every day, she became more and more withdrawn. She clung to the fantasy that, somehow, she still was a man. Finally, all she could do was attack everyone who loved her, because *we* accepted the facts, and tried to move on. We tried to help *her* move on, too..." Akane broke down again.

Kasumi spoke, sadness evident in her eyes, as she cradled her little sister's head again. "But there's one more point. Just when she came to terms with her new body, she found out about Akane and Ryouga... She thought she had nothing to live for... But we still *love* her. She has *so* much to live for... even if she may not realize it."

Still smiling, the doctor spoke again. "Her problems are much less severe than I had thought." He reached for the documents. "May I take these?"

Nabiki cocked an eyebrow. "Well, do you know how much..."

"*Nabiki*!" Kasumi said in a firm voice.

"Of course, take them." Nabiki said with a *smile*.

The doctor smiled warmly, offering Nabiki his hand. "Thank you, for helping me, today. I promise I'll help Ranma."

Nabiki rose and shook it; her smile banished again. "Not a problem, doc."

Akane couldn't help herself; she jumped up and kissed the man on the cheek. "Thank you doctor, I know Ranma's in good hands."


Akane saw Ryouga to the gate of the Tendou compound.

He looked down. "After... after this, I think I need to go on a training trip for awhile." He looked down at Akane's hand; the ring was gone for good, this time. "I have a lot to think about - especially after what happened."

Akane just *stared* at him. He could see so much in her eyes - sadness, friendship, guilt... love - so much that he felt like running away right there. "I think... I think that would be a good idea, Ryouga. We both... we have a lot to think about."

Ryouga nodded. "Akane, I won't be back until Ranma lets me in this house. I... after what I did to all of you, I don't deserve any better."

Akane closed her eyes, and quietly whispered her agreement. "I'll be waiting, Ryouga."

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