

This is an excellent story. It basically dwells most of all on the emotional and psychological pressures that have been put on Ranma and Akane by their parents and a bunch of other people, and how they finally realize that things have to change.

They realize they can never get married.

Ranma realizes that being a male is unbearable. She also is offered a place of refuge, and that ends up leading to a romantic relationship and happiness, something she really deserves.

I really like stories like this where the author asks why people are the way they are, rather than just present the events in their lives without any background or soul-searching. A really, really good story.



Nabiki, Ranma and Akane run into Kuno when they get to school. Ranma is in girl form and punts Kuno away. Nabiki, on thinking about things, realizes something wasn't exactly right about what happened. For one think, Kuno never mentioned Akane during the incident.

Nabiki has one of her helpers spy on Kuno and she learns he'll be at the park at a certain time, and Nabiki plans to go observe what happens herself. She finds Ranma chan and Kuno together.

Nabiki finds out Kuno does now about Ranma's curse.

The three of them go to a restaurant so Nabiki can get an explanation. Ranma-chan and Kuno have been dating seriously for three months, but have sort of been together for a year.

Chapter 1

This one goes back to eleven months previously.

Ryoga is confronting Ranma (and this section has some great humor in it.) Ranma ends up getting hit by Akane (I assume), and lands on Mr. Turtle. Who was in water. Which changed Ranma to Ranma-chan.

(The story also does a good job of explaining just how much pressure Akane and Ranma were both under from the events tied to their lives.)

Kuno offers Ranma-chan a key to his estate so that she can come there for some peace and quiet from time to time. Kodachi appears and actually agrees to the arrangement, thinking this will leave Ranma for herself.

Ranma-chan actually ended up becoming friends with Kodachi.

There's a jump of time, although this is still in the past, about a month after Kuno had made his offer of sanctuary. Cologne has gotten Ranma to be a friend of the Amazon tribe. Akane and Ranma are due to get married (the second attempt to do so.) Nodoka has gotten Ranma a mistress. Akane and Ranma are both furious, and things get way worse from there.

Ranma is being chased by the various fiances and the would-be mistress, and he's really pissed and afraid he might really hurt someone if anyone catches up to him, so she flees to Kuno's estate.

She gets there and is in very bad shape emotionally. She tells Kuno about what happened, and he tells her that the Kuno family has a history of insanity. Kuno invites her to stay for dinner.

Nabiki wonders (they are still having dinner at the restaurant) what will be done about Akane and the others.

Chapter 2

Ranma and Akane agree that they can never really get married because their parents will interfere and spoil everything.

Back at the restaurant, present time. Ranma-chan tells Nabiki that Akane knows about she and Kuno. Nabiki also finds out Ranma-chan has been teaching Kuno how to fight, and he's been teaching her kendo.

Shampoo, Ukyo and Kodachi later race after Ranma. He runs to the dojo, and he and Akane have been working on things to make it appear that they are behaving as normal, but they really are working together, so she mallets him far enough to get away from the other girls a little, and she (she fell into a pool) goes to Kuno's place.

Kuno has been preparing a feast for her every night just in case she would show up. Ranma-chan realizes that Kuno has been doing this for her and he wants nothing in exchange.

Kodachi joins them and says she's going to start training Ranma-chan in the social graces.

Kodachi still doesn't understand that Ranma and Ranma-chan are one and the same. Her insanity is considerable worse than Kuno's.

Akane and Ranma 'fight' again and end up in the dojo. Nabiki joins then and finds out Akane has been faking cooking bad as part of her and Ranma's scheme.

Later Ranma-chan is at Kunos, working out in the gym. She has learned to use her feminine flexibility in her fighting and especially her leg strength.

She and Kuno have a long talk, Kuno saying that Ranma's style of fighting may actually be hurting her well-being emotionally. She also realizes that Kuno accepts her exactly as she is, and doesn't want to change her for his purposes, unlike virtually everyone else in her life.

Kuno suggests training her in kendo when she is there to help bring control and discipline to her, while outside the place she can use her regular style.

Back to Nabiki talking to Ranma-chan, and Nabiki notes Ranma is now much more at ease being Ranma-chan than being Ranma.

Chapter 3

(There's a really funny description of how hard it is for Nabiki to wake up in the morning.)

This is the day that Ranma-chan intends to come out at school. She is wearing a choker made of diamonds, given her by Kuno. Akane reveals she's interested in someone.

Then there's a flashback to Ranma finding out Genma had engaged him to someone else, a Yoiko Hikibi.

Then it's back to the present as Nabiki, Akane and Ranma-chan get to school. A pre-arranged intereaction amongst them and Kuno begins. Nabiki finds out Akane and Daisuke are a item.

Then the end of the play begins, as Kuno kisses Ranma-chan and she responds, flooring everyone in the audience in the school grounds.

Ukyo attacks Kuno, but Ranma-chan tells her that she's been actively dating Kuno for three months. Ranma-chan points out she's stopped him a him, that it became unbearable a while ago.

It turns out Ranma had a major role in getting Akane and Daisuke together.

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