A Promise I Made


The only actual problem with the story is that, in most of it, the sentences are sort of clipped; some of them should have been combined to make longer sentences and break up the predictable rhythm of the words.

There is one logic problem, also. Ranma-chan was still cursed, so how did she avoid warm water for ten years, thus changing back into a male with the growing hair problem; or did she always have some cold water on her?

Still, the second thing is very minor. Overall it's a really nice story, and quite romantic.


Since this story has chapters that are very short, I'll just do a review and a brief synopsis.

The story opens with Ryoga traveling ten years after the events in the series. Then the story immediately goes into flashback mode, with Ranma and Ryoga having a fight outside Ranma's school.

During the fight, the Dragon Whisker is sliced in two, along with some of Ranma's hair, Ranma being in female mode at the time. Ranma then disappears. The problem is that Ranma's hair (male form) continues to grow non-stop if the Dragon Whisker is removed. Nothing happens when Ranma is in female mode. The Dragon Whisker has been ruined, so Ranma will have to remain in female mode or end up having his hair grow continually until it all falls out.

Happosai says that there is a cure, though, and it's in China. Ryoga volunteers to go in search of it.

On his travels Ryoga finds a cure for his bad sense of direction. Two guys are spying on Ryoga. Ryoga looks at a picture of Ranma-chan and blushes.

Ryoga then is confronted by Xeron and Ryan. Xerox is giving Ryoga some kind of test and Ryoga passes it, whatever the test is. Ryoga uses some kind of energy blast that he had never used before.

Then the story goes ten years forward. He stops to eat in a restaurant and finds out that Ranma works there. A waitress takes him to where Ranma leaves after she gets off of work.

Ranma is living with a cousin, Naetsu.

Ryoga tells Ranma-chan he has a cure for the dragon whisker thing, but Ranma would still have her original curse. The cure, though, doesn't work. Ranma is permanently female. Ranma tells Ryoga some guy zapped her with some kind of energy, saying she would be happier staying as a girl forever.

Both Ryoga and Ranma-chan start to get attracted to each other, but they still head to China to see if they can find a spring that will turn Ranma-chan into a boy permanently.

At a town there's a shooting and a kidnapping, and someone attacks Ranma-chan. It's the same men involved in testing Ryoga earlier. They find the girl and take her to her home. Three men in robes enter-Larson, Xeron and Ryan. They are in a group called The Peacekeepers, whose job it is to bring two people together who have been at odds with each other.

They are say that there's a group of four rogue members who are nearby, and they need Ranma-chan and Ryoga to help them defeat the guys. Ryoga helps Ranma-chan overcome her fear of cats. (A very nicely done scene.)

They win the battle. Ryoga and Ranma-chan both realize they love each other, but are unwilling to say anything for a while, but Ranma-chan confesses her love first. Then they decide to return to Nerima, although they are worried about how Nodoka will react to the two of them being in love.

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