Ranma ½, part 11 number 4

Part 7: The Violence of Cooking: Kasumi's in bed ill and can't do the cooking. Nodoka shows up and offers to make dinner, and Akane offers to help. Ranma-chan also helps. Akane can't even cut up vegetables without making a complete mess of things. Akane also pays almost no attention to what she adds when she cooks. The mistakes are fed to Mr. Panda. Akane puts eggs in the microwave which promptly goes wacko, hitting a hot water pipe and spraying Ranma who has to escape before Nodoka sees him in male form.

Part 8: The Carp of Misery: Ryoga buys a bamboo fishing pole that's supposed to make someone fall in love with the user. Ryoga tries to use it on Akane but hits Ranma instead. Ranma starts to fall for Ryoga and Akane catches them in Ryoga's tent when he's checking Ranma-chan's chest to see if there's a carp outline on it.