Ranma ½, part 3 number 7

The cover of this one is really well done, especially Ranma's outfit.

. Part 13: Naval Engagement: Ranma-chan and Cologne fight. The fight ends up in the ocean where she uses a shark as part of her attack. Akane jumps in to help but she promptly sinks and Ranma-chan has to save her.

Part 14: Kitten of the Sea: Ranma-chan holds Shampoo and jumps into the water, knowing Shampoo will change into a cat. This sends Ranma-chan into the neko-ken and she is able to defeat the shark that Cologne is riding. Cologne gives him the pill. Later Ranma is taking a bath and soaking and Shampoo shows up nude in the tub so Akane hits Ranma and tears apart a watermelon with her bare hands.