Ranma ½, part 8 number 5

This one has Ranma and Nabiki on the cover.

Part 9: Hand-Me-Down Ranma: Akane in a drawing wearing a T-shirt with this odd saying: O.D. of bourgeois milk boy milk.

Happosai steals one of Akane's bras. She throws some soy sauce at Happosai but hits Nabiki instead. Akane gets mad at Nabiki for borrowing her clothes, and really gets mad at Ranma and hits him for saying the rabbit she embroidered looks like a jellyfish. Akane gets mad at him again and breaks a balcony. She's able to jump to a tree but Ranma catches Nabiki and prevents her from falling.

Akane gets mad and tells Ranma why doesn't he get engaged to Nabiki? Nabiki says she'll take him.

Part 10: The Terrible Truth!: The news of Akane and Ranma's split spreads through the school. Ukyo confronts Nabiki and she sells Ranma to her for 6000 yen. Kodachi shows up and the bidding war is on. Nabiki tells Ranma she loves him while Akane is listening outside her room.

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