On Her Own

This is another excellent Ranma-chan/Ranko story, but it is a lot darker than most of the others. For one thing, Ranma is forced into becoming female thoroughly against her will by the Musk. She then escapes, meets Shampoo (in a much more positive way than in the series), and ends up starting her journey to Japan.

It's a journey, though, where she makes friends of a couple and their daughter, only to see the couple killed in a tragic accident. Her relationship with Nodoka is nearly deadly, at first, and her relationship with Genma takes a very dark path in the fifth chapter.

Again, I like the way the author handles the psychological approach, and the story also is quite different from most other Ranma-chan stories, exploring entirely new "what-if" approaches.

chapter 1

Ranma has been captured by the Musk and put into girl form permanently. She escapes from them.

Ranma-chan ends up with Cologne in the Amazon village. Ranma accepts the name Ranko. The name was from a very famous person in Amazon village history.

Ranko meets Shampoo. Ranko agrees to help train the Amazon warriors while she stays with them for a short while.

Ranko is having major problems accepting her being a female for the rest of her life. Shampoo decides to try and help her.

Ranko agrees to train Shampoo in martial arts and Shampoo will teach Ranko Mandarin.

Ranko trains Shampoo and others for weeks. Finally she is ready to leave and Cologne makes Ranko a member of the tribe and Shampoo's sister.

chapter 2

Ranko, some weeks later, seeks shelter in a building during a bad rainstorm. She meets an old man and has dinner with him and his wife.

She stays with them for the winter.

chapter 3

A couple with a four-year-old daughter rescues Ranko and takes her to their home. Ranko's stopping of a robbery results in her leg being hurt, and it will take five months for Ranko to regain full use of her leg. She stays with them and does housework and cooking and gives them lessons in Japanese while they give her lessons in Mandarin.

The parents are killed in a mine accident and Ranko adopts the girl, Sakura.

Meanwhile, Nabiki has been trying to find out information about Ranko and sees a newspaper article indicating where Ranko is in China.

chapter 4

Nodoka, Akane and Genma find Ranko's home, but Nodoka is getting angrier by the moment. They talk in the house but Nodoka is still threatening to force Ranko to kill herself and Ranko refuses.

Nodoka finally relents. Ranko agrees to return to Japan with her. They visit various places Ranko had been and end up in the Amazon village where Nodoka agrees to let Shampoo return with them to Japan.

chapter 5

They get to the dojo but Genma is mad that Ranko is not a male. They fight and he hurts her quite badly. Nodoka becomes furious at Genma.

Later the families have a meeting and all three daughters seem interested in Ranko.

chapter 6

Ranko tells Sakura that she wants to stay female for the rest of her life.

Akane, Ranko and Shampoo go to Furinkin High School. Nabiki and Kuno are attending college.

Ranko and Ukyou meet, but Ukyou is mad at Ranko for the past.

Ranko, Ukyou, Nodoka, Shampoo and Sakura all meet at Ukyou's restaurant and discuss everything that has happened.

They end up deciding to open a restaurant together.

Chapter 7

Nabiki is working on her financial plans which might include a new dojo. Shampoo says she thinks she knows where the device is that could change Ranma back to being a male.

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