Wild Child


A short but interesting story about Ranko, the actual sister of Ranma, but a sister he did not know that he had, and how she's a rebellious daughter who does not get along with Nodoka. Ranko runs away to the Tendos to try and find Ranma, but Nodoka follows her and there's a lot of explaining to do on both sides.

The explanation for Ranko's existence is a little too convenient, but the story is still fairly good. It would have been interesting to see it developed further, though.


Chapter 1

The story opens at the apartment of Nodoka, where she lives with her daughter, Ranko, who is a rebellious teenager. Ranko apparently likes girls, and Nodoka is not pleased with that.

The story matches the canon in that there is the Tendo family, and there is a girl named Ranko staying with them. She had never told Ranko that she has a brother, Ranma; she had actually told Ranko various lies about her birth, apparently.

Ranko makes plans to run away from home and find her brother and father.

Ranko gets to the dojo just in time to see Ranma hit the pond. Akane comes out, thinking Ranko is Ranma. Ranko later tells everyone she is Nodoka's daughter, and this shocks both Ranma and Akane. Ranko sees Ranma's curse in action and she thinks it's cool.

Ranma tells Ranko about the seppeku pledge when she suggests she say with him and Genma.

Meanwhile Nodoka finds out Ranko has run away, and a mention is made of training her daughter starting at the age of seven.

Ranko and Akane spar and that goes well. Ranko and Ranma spar, and Ranma acts just like the first time he ever sparred with Akane. Later Ranko and Akane take a bath together and Ranko reveals she's bisexual and interested in Nabiki.

Later Ranko and the others meet Genma, and Genma doesn't believe Ranko is Ranma's sister. Then Nodoka shows up.

That night Ranko sleeps in Nabiki's room. The two have a talk and arrange for Nabiki to take and sell photos of Ranko for a slice of the profits. Ranko plans to stay at the Tendos.

Chapter 2

Akane and Ranko go out for a morning run, and Ranko is not in physical shape like Akane. At breakfast Ranma-chan is about to say something to Nodoka but panda-Genma hits him and knocks him out, grabs him and starts to run off, only to be stopped by Nodoka and her katana.

Nodoka realizes what is going on and faints.

Later things are explained to her, and she does explaining of her own, saying how her Ranko came into being as a result of the Goddess Urd's actions.

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