Archie The Shadow #3

There are some differences between the Shadow on the cover of issue 2 and the one on issue 3. Issue two has the Shadow wearing a blue body-cover, while #3 has him in purple. The Shadow in issue 2 has blonde hair, while the one in issue 3 has dark colored hair. The Shadow in #2 wears a blue mask, while the one in #3 wears a purple mask.

Lamont is supposed to go on a date with a woman other than Margo. Margo calls and then screams as someone comes at her with a gun. Margo has been taken captive along with two others. Shrevy, the cab driver, has been hypnotized by Khan to kill Lamont. Khan doesn't realize that Lamont and the Shadow are one and the same.

Lamont manages to save himself and Shrevy. Khan plans to kill a Presidential candidate and the Shadow on the same day. Khan has built a pavilion at the world's fair to use to kill the Shadow. He manages to turn the tables on Khan, again.

The comic also has Chapter 3 of The Adventures of the Shadow.

The second story is The Princess of Death. The money-grubbing spy from issue 2 shows up again, having been paid to capture Lamont and find out what he knows about the Shadow. He manages to fairly easily defeat her and her thugs. He seems to wear a bullet-proof vest all the time.

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