Crime Classics 10

Lamont hypnotizes Margo to find out what Shiwan Khan had been telling her of his plans. (There are also some panels that are out-of-order).

Shiwan Khan steals a third invention and makes off with it. Shiwan Khan then takes some plans to weapons and kidnaps the police commissioner and some other men.

The secret base of Shiwan Khan is the Hotel Monolith, which is the name of Khan's base in the movie The Shadow. In this story, though, Khan just takes over the top portion of the hotel and not the entire hotel as he did in the movie.

Shiwan Khan escapes, but without his prisoners or the plans.

The next story is “The Shadow vs. The Swindlers.”

Lamont talks with his secretary, Margo, about a swindling racket and their next likely target. Margo is to meet the man and warn him about the swindlers.

The guy goes to his uncle's house, but there is something very strange about his uncle. Meanwhile, some other crooks try to run the Shadow down with a truck.

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