The Duende History of The Shadow Magazine

This is a book about the history of The Shadow pulp magazine. It's crammed with information and photographs. The first chapter is about the various men who wrote the Shadow stories. It also covers the various phases of the magazine, what types of things characterized each writer and each phase, including examples of Shadow covers and even text examples.

Next is a complete index of the Shadow pulps, including the actual title, the initial title, the date of the submission of the story, the date the story was actually published, and who wrote the story.

The next chapter is about a Shadow story done by Lester Dent. The Vulnerable Shadow is the next chapter, showing how the Shadow could end up being injured. A chapter is include on Theodore Tinsley, one of the various people who wrote Shadow stories, and this includes basic characteristics of Tinsley's work and how it differed from Gibson's.

“The Third Cranston” is about various approaches to the Shadow himself. After that is a chapter by William Gibson himself, discussing the Shadow's girasol ring. “Blackmail Bay” is a short Shadow story by Gibson. Then there's another interview with Walter Gibson, and a final chapter on the Shadow's sanctum.

This book may not be easy to find, but it's a definite must for anyone who is interested in the Shadow.

Shadow Index Page

Main index page