The Shadow #4

The Japanese and Kondo talk about the past of Kent Allard. Kent supposedly had sex with a number of prostitutes to get information he needed to kill off some evil people. The Japaneses say Allard left for some reason and when he returned he was a totally different person, legend saying he killed over a hundred criminals in one night in the city.

One of the Japanese goes on to talk about a place with monks that trains criminals to go out and dispose of those who would do evil. (This is very similar to what happened in the Shadow movie.) He talks about how he was in New York with a mob group and the Shadow showed up. The Japanese guy fled and the Shadow killed all those who remained behind. The Japanese guy knows that Cranston is the same as Allard who is the same as The Shadow.

Then there's another accurate bit of history where the Japanese general talks about the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, which was Japan's idea of uniting all the Asian countries under its control so everyone would prosper. Of course, all the countries they 'liberated' from Western control would end up under their own control.

Then, in another bit of historical accuracy, there's a section of the story that shows what happened when Japanese troops would enter a small town and end up killing most of the people, stealing what they could, raping the women, and setting fire to what was left. The evidence that this was done in reality is quite overwhelming.

Reference is made to the Rape of Nanking. This is a fascinating series.

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