The Shadow #5

The Japanese have sunk a boat, I assume (I don't have issue 4 yet) and they are machine-gunning the survivors in the water. Again, this is something that was done by the Japanese soldiers. They would kill people in the water, shoot and kill men who had parachuted from planes, kill civilians and otherwise show total disregard for the rules of war.

The Shadow and Margo had been on the boat. The Shadow finds a group of camped Japanese soldiers and he thins their numbers somewhat. Kondo, the warlord, has some kind of mineral on his land that the Japanese need to build their super-weapon.

Wong meets the Shadow and refers to him by the name Allard, one of the Shadow's old names he's known by. He seems to know a lot about the Shadows old Allard identity. It doesn't save him, though, and the Japanese general running things plans to commit ritual suicide.

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