The Shadow #11

A message is gotten to the Shadow even though those delivering it don't necessarily survive. There is some kind of underground army that is planning international invasions. Suddenly the Shadow's lair (where he's meeting with his agents) is attacked. Some of the thugs jump through windows to their death but one is captured, saying he is from someone called the Avenger.

At the Avenger's HQ, Margo is caught and hypnotized and tells about the Shadow and his agents. The Shadow and his agents stop some Orientals with weapons, but they are attacked by the forces of the Avenger. One of the Orientals sees the Shadow's face and refers to him as The Dark Eagle, one of the names given to the Shadow during World War I.

Shiwan Khan suddenly appears, and he's the one behind all the trouble. There's a battle that breaks out, but eventually the submarine Khan's attackers were using is destroyed. There is a very, very uneasy truce between the Shadow and the Avenger.

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