The Shadow #5

The Shadow stops an assassination attempt by Nazi supporters. The leader of the bad guys is General Sodom. He and his thugs take over a luxary ship while Harry is on another vessel. Margo pretends to faint and is dragged off by one of the Nazi-supporting thugs, but she tricks him, knocks him overboard, and takes his machine gun.

Margo gets to the ship's radio room and warns Burbank but is knocked out by the thugs. The General wants to trade the hostages for the guy he wanted assassinated. Harry throws a flare onto the boat and he and the Shadow wipe out most of the thugs.

The general sets the boat to hit the one with the guy he wants to kill, but Harry gets the boat to go in reverse. The other thugs are killed by the Shadow and then the general tries to escape, but meets his justified doom.

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