The Shadow #8

The story starts with Margo in South America near a Mayan temple. She's talking to the chief scientist when another guy yells and it turns out he is being attacked by a mummy. Several natives attack the Shadow but he overcomes them.

The professor plans to take the mummy to New York via plane. The pilot is Kent Allard. One of the guys in the plane is killed. They get back to New York where Margo is met by Lamont. (This Lamont is the real Lamont; the pilot was the Shadow in disguise.)

The Shadow tells Harry to watch the museum that night. Harry spots some thugs and knocks one out and shoots another. The third is hypnotized by the Shadow.

Back at the HQ, Margo finds out Kent Allard is the Shadow. The mummy appears at the museum and kills the professor. The mummy doesn't seem to be phased by bullets at all.

The Shadow figures out who the killer is and chases him, the killer dying by accidentally falling and hanging himself on the mummy wrappings.

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