The Shadow Unmasks, August 1, 1937

Chapter 1: Shark Meglo is a crook and a killer. He's working with some jewelry crook who sells jewels to people and then Meglo steals them right back. The crooks murder the person who bought the jewels so they can't name the man who sold them the jewels.

Shark is worried about the Shadow, though, and he changes his location frequently. Shark and another crook escape before the Shadow can get to their room, though, but they do leave behind some clues.

Chapter 2: It opens with an explanation that there is a real Lamont Cranston who lets the Shadow use the persona of Lamont Cranston as his “real” identity. Anyhow, this Lamont Cranston is on his way to the Cobalt Club.

The Shadow figures there's a major crook behind Shark's work. Numbers on the coin that he took seem to be the combination to a millionaire's safe that the crooks plan to rob soon.

The police commissioner talks to Cranston at the club. While they are talking a newsboy brings in newspapers telling about a plane crash. A photo seems to show Lamont Cranston as one of the victims.

The commissioner wants to talk to “Cranston,” but he's already vanished.

Chapter 3: Harry Vincent gets instructions from Burbank that he is to go to a certain guy's house instead of Lamont Cranston. Silsam, the millionaire, shows Harry and another guest his collection of valuable gems.

Suddenly Shark and his helpers appear at the door of the study to steal the gems.

Chapter 4: The crooks threaten to kill everyone in the room. Harry realizes that the butler is in league with the crooks. Harry pushes Silsam out of the way in order to block the crook's attempt to kill him, while the Shadow suddenly enters the room.

The butler turns out the lights but that doesn't stop the Shadow from shooting down crooks. Some of the crooks rush out of the house but right into Commissioner Weston and his group that are just getting there.

Silsam attacks Shark, but has a heart attack and dies. Shark is able to escape the room with the jewels. The butler is killed by the police.

Chapter 5: Shark gets in a car and flees, but is followed by the Shadow in Moe's cab. Before long Shark's car stops and he gets out and goes into a house.

As Shark goes into a separate room the Shadow investigates the room he had just been in and finds the jewel box, but the jewels are all gone. Shark has escaped with the jewels, and some more of his henchmen start to enter the room to try and trap the Shadow.

Chapter 6: The Shadow is trapped in the room One wounded crook turns on the lights, and other crooks, with a machine-gun, open fire from outside. Then the crooks in the hallway start assembling a machine-gun with a shield.

The Shadow manages to get into the room that Shark Meglo had hidden in and finds a trap door that he's able to get through, the door that Shark had used shortly before. The Shadow gets to the roof and fires at the crooks with their machine-gun outside, then swings through the shattered window to fire at the crooks still in the room.

The Shadow goes to his sanctum and makes plans for dropping the Lamont Cranston identity, leaving New York, and returning with another identity.

Chapter 7: Joe Cardona and Weston, the police commissioner, discuss what has being going on. Clyde Burker arrives and tells them that Lamont Cranston is out of the hospital and will be returning to the US.

Burke is able to convince Weston that the Cranston he saw at the club was not Lamont Cranston but his nephew from California. Burke also says that someone named Kent Allard, who had crashed in a Guatemalan jungle, had finally been found.

Meanwhile Cardona invites Burke to go along with him as he investigates the missing gems case.

Chapter 8: The two men are going to visit a famous jewelry salesman to check out a lead that Cardona has found. The guy gives Cardona some tips on how to find a person who is selling stolen gems. Cardona gets a phone call and tells Clyde that an insurance man is going to be having a meeting that night with the people that were at Silsman's and invites Clyde along, but Clyde already knows that Harry Vincent so he turns Cardona down.

It turns out that Henshaw, the jewelry salesman, is really a crook, though. Shark Meglo visits Henshaw and warns him about Harry Vincent. Henshaw resets the gems each time he has them sold and stolen.

Chapter 9: Henshaws scheme has been to sell the gems to someone rich; have Shark Meglo steal them; reset the gems, then repeat the process, making him around $200,000 each time the cycle is done.

Henshaw also plans to deal with Harry Vincent, and he has no fear of the Shadow.

Henshaw then goes to visit a guy called Chanbury who is another possible target for his jewel scheme. Cardona is there, along with Harry Vincent and a private detective. The list of stolen gems of course no longer matches the gems that Henshaw has since he has reworked all of them.

Henshaw manages to get a half dollar to Shark. The coin carries a message that Harry Vincent is to be killed.

Chapter 10: Harry returns to the hotel, believing what Henshaw had said. Harry is also upset with himself for not being able to find a missing Chinese laundry man who could provide him clues. He gets a call from a shoemaker next door to the Chinese laundry who says he can help Harry.

Harry makes a report to Burbank before he sets out to find the laundry man.

Harry finds a man who claims to be the one he's looking for, but the guy just leads Harry into a trap.

The Chinese guy is helped by two others who then subdue Harry.

Then Shark Meglo shows up.

Chapter 11: The Chinese crooks use ironing boards and wringer washers to make a sort of ancient-style rack to torture Harry with. Shark demands to know who The Shadow is.

Harry spots a man named Hawkeye at a window. Hawkeye is another Shadow agent, one who works with Cliff Marsland, yet another agent.

Suddenly shots are heard outside the room, and Shark orders the crooks inside to kill Harry. Hawkeye enters the room and Shark shoots at him, while Cliff, from the window, shoots and kills Moy Ming who was going to stab Harry to death.

Soon Cardona and others arrive while Hawkeye and Cliff leave. They talk to Harry who is able to come up with a story that leaves out Hawkeye and Cliff, and they believe him.

Chapter 12: Shark Meglo manages to stay out of everyone's way. Weston is upset that the crimes have not been solved. Clyde Burke is visiting him, and Weston talks about Kent Allard who has been found in Guatemala and is now returning home.

Burke and Weston will be the official greeters for Allard since the mayor is ill.

Later Allard arrives with two Xincan warriors. There's a parade for Allard and a banquet.

Later, Kent Allard transforms into the Shadow.

Chapter 13: A man named Farrow, who is a criminologist, is discussed. The Shadow had helped him in the past. The Shadow had also visited him as Lamont Cranston and as Henry Arnaud, along with other guises.

The Shadow appears and tells Farrow that his true identity is Kent Allard. Allard admits he was a WWI flying ace. He also was a secret agent. After the war ended he turned to fighting crime. He also admits he had talked to the “real” Lamont Cranston and gotten his permission to use Cranston's identity as his own.

There is even an explanation given for the girasol that the Shadow wears on his finger.

Chapter 14: The Shadow goes over the various pieces of information and evidence that his agents had acquired. He tells Farrow that the crook convinces the buyer of the gems to keep it a secret. The Shadow realizes that Henshaw is the one behind everything that has been happening.

The Shadow leaves and then explores Henshaw's apartment. He finds that the jewels are missing, so Henshaw has probably gone to sell them to another dupe. The Shadow realizes that Henshaw is going to sell the gems to a man named Chanbury.

Tyrune, the private detective, enters and looks through the room but doesn't see the Shadow, then leaves. Tyrune calls for a cab and leaves for Chanbury's house.

Chapter 15: Henshaw is meeting with Chanbury's, Henshaw still trying to sell the gems. Chanbury asks if he could by the gems with a bunch of uncut diamonds that he has, worth about the same.

The Shadow has arrived, and soon after Tyrune, the private detective, also arrives, but Henshaw leaves.

Henshaw talks to Tyrune and tells him he is sure that Henshaw is a crook. The diamonds he showed him are worth far more than $200,000, and the gems that Henshaw has been trying to sell are the same number as in the previously stolen lots, even if they are now in different settings.

Chanbury works on a plan to trap Henshaw.

Chapter 16: Clyde Burke visits Henshaw and learns some things that he passes on to the Shadow. That night there's a dinner for Kent Allard at the Cobalt Club. Allard leaves the party but tells Weston that he can call on him later.

Henshaw gets back to his apartment but learns that someone (the Shadow) is there and he leaves again. Henshaw calls Shark and arranges for Shark to take care of the intruder.

Chapter 17: Shark and a half dozen of his thugs arrive, all intent on jumping the Shadow. Shark and his men rush into the room, but the flashlight was a ruse. The Shadow attacks Shark but he dives out of the way and soon there is a gunfight.

The Shadow succeeds in turning out the lights and soon the thugs begin falling one by one. Four of the six fall, but Shark and two others escape the room. The Shadow manages to get the drop on Shark, though, and forces him forward at gunpoint. Meanwhile, in the room, Henshaw finds that his precious gems are missing.

Chapter 18: Policemen come out of the elevator and mistake the Shadow for a crook. The Shadow is chased through the building and manages to finally escape, jumping from a point outside into Joe's cab.

Henshaw has his own plan for the Shadow, though.

Chapter 19: Henshaw is already making plans for leaving New York, bringing Shark Meglo along. He also realized that the Shadow had his set of gems. Still, he figures he can take Cranbury's diamond collection and come out ahead financially.

Tyrune comes to visit Chanbury and he thinks Henshaw is not a crook at all. Chanbury apparently does think Henshaw is a crook, though. They work out a written theory of what has happened and Tyrune plans to give it to the police to help himself become famous.

Chapter 20: Chanbury calls Cardona and asks if he's heard from Tyrune, but he hadn't. He also asks Cardona to visit him.

Chanbury shows his written theory to Cardona. The two of them plan a way to trap Henshaw, then the two of them go to find Tyrune. They find him, but he's dead, having been murdered at his apartment.

Weston meets with the two men, and the three decide to go ahead with the attempt to trap Henshaw the next night. Shark Meglo had killed him and tried to make it look like a suicide.

Chapter 21: Henshaw thinks that Shark killed the detective, but if he did he didn't let Henshaw know about it before. Chanbury calls Henshaw to arrange a meeting between the two.

Eleanor is Chanbury's secretary, and she ends up, through a series of steps, in Moe's cab with the two Xinca guards. She is taken to Allard's hotel where she meets Clyde Burke. He introduces her to Allard. Clyde does not realize that Allard is the Shadow.

Eleanor and Allard talk and soon he learns all the details behind Chanbury's theory and plans.

The Shadow talks to Eleanor when she is in the cab about his own plans for the night. He gives her a gun which she puts in the pocket of her dress.

Chapter 22: Chanbury and Eleanor are in the portrait room at nine at night when Henshaw arrives. Henshaw shows Chanbury some average-type gems, really stalling for time. Henshaw then says he wants to buy the diamonds that Chanbury had shown him before.

Then Shark arrives with three other thugs. Suddenly hidden panels open and hidden police open fire, shooting Shark. One of the thugs is shot just as quickly. Soon the other two thugs are also felled. Cardona ends up catching Henshaw himself.

Then the Shadow appears.

Chapter 23: The Shadow tells Henshaw that he did not take his gems. Then he exposes a hidden vault in the portrait room. Chanbury is the one who has the original set of gems.

Chanbury proves his evil nature when he tries to shoot the Shadow when the Shadow's back is turned, but Eleanor shoots him before he can fire, as per her arrangement with the Shadow earlier.

Some of Cadbury's servants, who are crooks, come to attack the police, but the Shadow meets them and they give up.

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