The Shadow's Shadow

This is a really great Shadow mystery. A master crook decides to kill the Shadow but instead of just using brute force, he decides to try to use his brains. He has plenty of gangsters behind him, but his own abilities lead him to deduce who the Shadow's real identity is. He is able to track down two of the Shadow's agents and have them captured. In addition, he plans to marry a woman that doesn't want him and pull off a major diamond heist.

Cliff Marsland and Clyde Burke appear in the story.

Zubian is the name of the master crook and he knows of the individual called The Black Eagle during World War I and is sure that he is the Shadow's identity. He also is able to see the Shadow's real face, and his reaction support the idea that the Shadow's real face has been horribly disfigured.

There is also some extremely major gun battles that go on between the Shadow and groups of thugs, and an interesting nobody-in-the-car chase that happens.

I think this is one of the best Shadow novels.

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