The Shadow: The Hydra

This was the 259th Shadow story and is about a criminal gang that does quite well for itself due to its organization, or at least they do quite well until the Shadow teaches them that crime, ultimately, does not pay.

You've got a good story going when a mansion ends up exploding almost right off the back. Crooks steal what they can while they can. The organization is divided into heads, teeth and so on and when one leader gets killed two others take his place.

There are two major things that happen that make the story unusual. First, Lamont Cranston, the actual Lamont Cranston, ends up working with The Shadow to help stop the criminal group. Secondly, Margo Lane is introduced and she is sure that Lamont is The Shadow.

We are also used to crooks being shot by the Shadow but, in one case, the criminal loses his head. Literally.

It's an unusual though really good Shadow story.

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