The Shadow's Justice

Chapter 1: A car approaches a large mansion. Tracy is the man being carried by the car, and Holland is the driver. Tracy is a lawyer and has come to talk to a guy named Mr. Boswick.

Tracy briefly talks to a young man named Drew, someone who apparently was in some kind of trouble in the past that Tracy helped him out with. Boswick is Drew's uncle. It's revealed that Drew had been arrested in a gambling house.

Meanwhile, some men are watching outside the house, and their purpose appears to be anything but good. The two crooks don't realize that they are being watched by a third person, the Shadow!

The Shadow has come to listen to the conversation between Tracy and Boswick, just like Drew is listening in a nearby room.

A guy named Headley is his servant.

Chapter 2: Boswick tells Tracy that he is getting old and may not have long to live. Boswick has been waiting his son's return and he says he has heard from him.

Boswick thinks he will be dead before his son gets back, though. He says his estate is mainly to go to his son, but a comfortable sum is to go to Drew. Boswick claims he has a lot of money hidden away. Boswick thinks someone has searched his house, probably to find the treasure.

The Shadow follows one of the two men outside the house, a guy named Stacks.

Chapter 3: A guy named Rowley has a fancy apartment. He's a crook who's receiving the visitor, Stacks. The Shadow sneaks into the apartment. Boswick's nephew apparently owes Rowley a lot of money from gambling losses. Rowley intends to get whatever treasure it is that Boswick has hidden in his home.

Rowley finds out Boswick's son is returning and wants Stacks to get on the same boat. Stacks job is to get a group of thugs together and arrange for Boswick's son to be killed.

Stacks would be flying to Havana in order to get on the boat, and Lamont Cranston books passage on the same plane.

Chapter 4: After arriving in Havana Stacks frequents the casino and begins picking up crooks to join his special mob. Stacks also locates Boswick's son. Stacks eventually gets three guys to join him and he explains what he wants done.

The Shadow, meanwhile, has overhead the plans and is going to be on the same boat. That's assuming that Carter, Boswick's son, lives long enough to get on the boat. Once he leaves the Casino he's followed by the three men working for Stacks who thinking killing the guy in Havana is as good as killing the guy while he's on the boat. None of the men realize that the Shadow is following the trio.

Chapter 5: Carter has a cab driver take him to an off-the-beaten-path type of club and the three crooks follow him in another cab. One of the crooks tries to start a fight with Carter and soon the entire club is a wild brawl. Just as Carter is about to be shot, the Shadow fires and downs the would-be killer.

The gunfight continues, with the Shadow shooting to injure and not kill, and the others trying to kill him. Before long, though, some of the ruffians decide escape might not be a bad idea after all.

The three crooks confront Carter and one of them is about to kill him when the Shadow shoots, bringing the crook down. The remaining two flee. The crook who was shot dies when he falls over railing and breaks his neck on the floor below.

Chapter 6: This chapter takes place on the ship. The two crooks who fled from the battle are talking when they are joined by the third crook (who is obviously the Shadow in disguise since we were told the crook was actually dead.)

The Shadow, in disguise, tells the other two crooks the plan for getting rid of Carter. Later he leaves and changes into his disguise as the Shadow. Carter leaves the gambling room and the two crooks, and Stacks, follow him.

The two crooks are about to toss Carter over the rail when the Shadow stops them, then takes Stacks gun away from him. One of the two crooks ends up going overboard. The other crook ends up getting shot and Stacks runs away.

Stacks knows about the Shadow and realizes he's going to have to tell Rowley.

Chapter 7: Tracey, the attorney, comes to meet Carter when he gets off the boat. He tells him his father has died. Lamont follows the two men to the Law Club, a special restaurant and club.

Tracey and Carter talk, and Carter tells him about the attempts on his life. Tracey points out the only person who could benefit by Carter's death is Drew.

Tracey arranges to meet with Carter at the mansion later that night.

Chapter 8: Carter meets Drew that night and the two of them seem to get along very well. Tracey arrives later to talk to Carter. Tracey has brought a letter from his father that Carter reads, revealing that there is a large sum of hidden wealth that could end up being his, if he can find it.

After Tracey and Carter leave the room, the Shadow enters and takes a copy of the letter that had been meant for Drew and had been torn up since only Carter or Drew would receive a copy, and not both.

Chapter 9: Carter goes into the mansion's library, thinking he has an idea about a clue to the treasure. Carter examines a book and finds an envelope with some latitude and longitude markings on a piece of paper. However, while he looks through another book the message is stolen.

There had been other men watching the house and the Shadow now finds them gone. The Shadow leaves, but Harry Vincent, one of the Shadow's agents, takes up the task of watching the house.

Chapter 10: The next day both Harry Vincent and Stacks are watching the house, neither one knowing of the presence of the other. Carter tells Drew that he has business to attend to and will leave the house for some weeks.

Both Stacks and Harry overhear Carter's actual travel plans when he's at the railroad station. Harry reports on what he heard, and Stacks calls Rowley and gives him his report. Later Carter gets a train going to Wisconsin, not Europe, where he had said he was headed. Harry and Stacks are both on the same train.

Chapter 11: Harry now is using a car, worried that, if he stayed on the train, he would be spotted by Carter. It's pointed out that Harry does not know who the Shadow is, and he takes instructions from Rutledge Mann and Burbank.

Harry stops at a town where he figures Carter will get off the train. Harry watches Carter get off the train, and then he sees Stacks also get off the train.

Stacks uses a cigar to signal someone else what his room number is and what Carter's room number is. When Harry returns to his room he finds a note with instructions from the Shadow.

Chapter 12: Carter is led by Harry towards his room but gets jumped by a crook, fights him off, and then attacks Harry, thinking Harry is part of the attack on him. Then there's another wild gun battle (the descriptions of these are always really good), and the crooks end up getting shot by the Shadow.

Harry helps Carter escape from the hotel and the two of them speed off in Harry's automobile, Carter finally realizing that Harry is someone he can trust.

Chapter 13: Harry and Carter end up deep in the woods and they spot a cabin in the distance as Carter is searching for the location he memorized from the note he had found in the book in the library.

The cabin is a rather nice one. In the area near the cabin, Harry and Carter find a vertical shaft leading into the ground, a result of some type of mining operation.

Carter explores the shaft but finds nothing, and the two men later search the cabin but also find nothing that will help them find the hidden wealth. They talk about the money, some ten million, that is hidden somewhere, and the mob that is trying to take it from Carter. They plan to stand watch in shifts that night in case they have been followed and the crooks would try to attack them during the night.

Chapter 14: Harry was right when he felt the cabin was being watched, because it's revealed that Stacks has followed them. Rowley, the ringleader, is in a building not far away and Stacks reports to him. Rowley is angry with Stacks for having blown the chances to kill Carter. He's arranged for another mob to help them, and the plan is to attack that night.

Rowley also indicates that some other man is working with them on the project. Three cars filled with gangsters set out at night to attack Carter and Harry in their cabin.

None of the gangsters realize that the Shadow has hitched a ride on the back of one of the cars.

Chapter 15: The crooks arrive at the cabin and Rowley and he deploys his goons like a general. Harry wakes up Carter and the two see the lines of gangsters approaching the cabin.

The gangsters return fire. What they did not expect was to be fired upon by the Shadow, and there's another furious gun battle in full sway. Soon the charge of the gangsters is stopped as the remaining ones flee through the woods.

Carter has a chance to shoot one of the men that is running away but he doesn't since the man seemed to be Drew.

Chapter 16: When the two men re-enter the cabin they find a message from the Shadow. They leave, noting that five of the gangsters are dead and at least five wounded and hiding.

The two men get in Harry's car and drive away to a location named by the Shadow. During the drive Harry tells Carter more about how the Shadow has helped him in the past. They get to a hotel but fail to realize that Stacks has followed them there.

Stacks plans to spy on the two and tell Rowley about their movements.

Chapter 17: The Shadow is flying his autogyro (a helicopter-like device). From above the Shadow can see things that Harry and Carter did not see. He locates another cabin and an almost-hidden pathway. The Shadow also finds what is apparently an entrance to another mine shaft.

He lands his autogyro. Another man is following, though, and locates the entrance. The Shadow leave the chamber and a little later the spying man goes in, not knowing himself that the Shadow had sensed his presence and was doing his own spying.

The Shadow watches the guy go to the other cabin, pick up some things and then come back to the hidden chamber and go inside, after which the Shadow leaves.

Chapter 18: The Shadow leaves a map of the hidden chamber for Harry and Carter. Stacks ends up also finding the map. Harry and Carter locate the second cabin later that day, not knowing that they are being followed by Stacks and more gangsters.

Chapter 19: Stacks, Rowley and some nine gangsters are all in the attack group. After watching for a while they begin their assault on the cave.

Chapter 20: Carter and Harry explore the mine shaft, realizing that this may be where Carter's father hid his wealth. There need to do a lot of exploring but end up running into a guy with a gun, and the guy turns out to be Drew.

Chapter 21: Drew explains to Harry and Carter that he was really trying to help Carter all along. He knows where the treasure is buried; he just hasn't been able to unearth it yet.

It turns out Drew had been the one who found the cave just after the Shadow had left. Before long, though, the three are covered by the guns of the gangsters, and the attorney, Tracey, is in the lead.

Chapter 22: The lawyer explains how he's been working with Rowley to get the money. Even the servant in the mansion is part of the crooked group. Before Harry and the others can be shot, though, the Shadow distracts the gangsters by shooting and Harry and the others take refuge in a part of the cave.

Chapter 23: The Shadow retreats and most of the gangsters go after him. What they don't realize is that the Shadow has set a trap for them, and he starts some mining cars down the track at the gangsters.

The Shadow rides the cars and kills Stacks and another crook even as the cars speed down the track. More gangsters are killed by the rushing cars and the Shadow shoots yet two more.

The servant is shot by Harry and the others, and the Shadow shoots Rowley. The lawyer tries to trick the Shadow and kill him, but the Shadow wounds Tracey and he ends up falling to his death down a deep pit.

Chapter 24: Harry and Carter had dug up the box of valuable securities and paper money. The leave the area, talking to Drew as they drive.

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