Doom on the Hill November 15, 1934

The story opens with Harry Vincent driving on a country road. While driving, he finds the body of a murdered man. Harry drives to a house where he calls the local sheriff to describe the murder. An old woman there reacts sharply to his story.

The murdered man was the master of the house. Nubin- PI, rough character. Harry sends a message to Mann, another Shadow agent, and the Shadow flies his autogiro to the area and does some investigating of his own.

Harry and the sheriff visit a guy that lives nearby. Breck, the murdered man, had wanted to buy this guy's land.

Elbert, the son of Breck, has been disgraced. He will still inheret the house. He stays with Harry.

Lamont takes a room at a hotel in a nearby town.

There's a real neat scene with the Shadow looking over a map, doing calculations, trying to figure out where the body is, then Burbank calling.

The Shadow lets the sheriff know where the hidden body is in a rather fascinating manner. Elbert tells Harry that he needed money and was trying to get it from his father. Meanwhile, the police learn that Breck was killed by a Luger pistol.

Another really good part is how the Shadow pieces together things and comes to the conclusion that Breck was really a crook, and was killed for double-crossing someone.

There's a shoot-out between the Shadow and a bunch of thugs, and the Shadow is injured. The story gets even more exciting as the Shadow battles the major crook on a speeding locomotive which is near to going totally out of control.

An excellent Shadow story.

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