The Cat that Killed: December 31, 1939

The show opens by explaining who the Shadow is and what he does, then talks about Margo Lane.

Lamont and Margo are out on a scavenger hunt. They are walking on a waterfront area. Suddenly they hear a scream. They go to investigate and hear a loud cat. They find a very large cat bending over the body of a man.

The cat leaps away, apparently ten stories down. The body is that of a man who had his throat ripped out apparently by the cat.

The warehouse owner is complaining to the police commissioner. There has been three deaths, all watchmen. Lamont tells the warehouse owner that he knows someone who could fill the watchmen job. Lamont is going to play the part of the old man himself.

That night Lamont is on the roof and Margo shows up. She wants to stay with him. The cat shows up and Lamont uses a bullwhip on him. It attacks him and he tells Margo to run. It apparently grabs Margo and makes off with her somehow.

The warehouse owner is complaining to the commissioner again and reveals his father had co-owned the warehouse, but the other guy was a crook. The Shadow appears and the commissioner has apparently talked to the Shadow before. He tells them that the murderer looks like a cat and gets the owner to agree to be on the roof that night.

The owner and one policeman are on the roof that night when the cat appears. The policeman shoots at the cat and misses. The Shadow is there and reveals that the cat is really a man described as a cat. Searchlights come on and reveal that the man has put a trapeze between the buildings and he uses that to escape. The Shadow follows him.

The criminal gets back to wherever he has Margo and he says he plans to kill her. The Shadow appears and attacks him. It's the crook mentioned above. The crooks tries to escape thinking there was a trapeze waiting but there wasn't- the Shadow had cut it down.

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