The Master of Torture, May 30,1954

This is another synopsis based on the script. The main characters include Larry Davis, who is a friend of Lamont's; Nick Campos, a gangster; Pete, a henchman; Walter Hohimayer, a former member of the Nazi Gestapo, and Colonel Xanados, an officer in Greek Military Intelligence.

The story opens with Lamont and Margo walking through the city of Athens, in Greece. Lamont wants to see Larry Davis, a friend. He's in military intelligence.

They see Nick Campos, who was a Chicago racketeer but who was deported to Greece. They meet Larry, but he acts like he doesn't know who they are.

Later Larry meets them in Margot's apartment. He says Nick Campos is involved in a plot to flood Greece with counterfeit money provided by Communists. Larry tells them that Walter Hohimayer is the one behind the plot.

Larry says he phoned Washington to get Lamont permission to work with him on trying to stop the plot.

Then there's a scene between Pete and Campos. Campos knows Larry Davis is after him, and Pete says have Davis picked up and taken to the torturer, Hohimayer.

Then the episode moves on to the next day. Lamont and Margot are waiting for Davis; Campos and Pete are talking and saying Davis was picked up and taken to Hohimayer. Lamont and Margot then go to talk to Colonel Xanados.

Lamont and Margot later talk to Pete, pretending to be Lefty Lamont and his moll. They say they want to talk to Campos. Lamont pretends to have been in prison with someone Campos knows.

Pete later tells Campos he doesn't trust Lamont. Pete confronts Lamont and Lamont almost beats him up. Later Lamont returns to his hotel and finds a note from Margot saying she's gone out to do some shopping.

Margot later calls Lamont and tells him she's outside Campos' office and that Campos and Pete have left. She's going to check the office out and refuses to obey Lamont's telling her not to do that.

Margot gets into the office and is caught by Campos and Pete. They find out she is a spy, in their words, and they rough her up a little. They take Margot to Hohimayer. Larry is still there and alive, but due to be killed soon.

They tie Margot to a post. Hohimayer is about to torture her when they all hear the voice of the Shadow. The Shadow grabs Hohimayer and Xanados and his men arrive.

The last part of the show is Margot and Lamont talking about how the crooks will be hung.

The Shadow seems to be almost a bit player in some of these episodes, appearing for only a few moments in the actual story. This is more like The Adventures of Lamont and Margot rather than The Shadow.

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