The White God, July 10,1938

Still with the long opening. Then there's a regular commercial.

A group of ship owners is being talked to, and told of an ending of a search for a missing boat. A number of boats and ships have gone missing in a certain area.

The group can hear the voice of the Shadow. The Shadow is referring to an area known as “the graveyard of the Pacific.” He says he thinks that one man is behind all the disappearances. He asks for a cruiser to be taken to the area, and a plane to carry out aerial services.

The Shadow will be there along with Margot Lane. The guy he is working through is an admiral.

On the boat, Lamont visits Margot. He tells her he's going to do some research on an island they will stop out and send her a message by radio. Later, she gets a message from him. He needs a plane right away.

Then they're on a plane, traveling to an island. There is a guy on the island that the natives call The White God. The plane has some trouble; it's being pulled down toward an island where various boats can be seen. The plane is crashing, having lost a wing already.

The plane crashes. Margot, the Shadow and the pilot all survive the crash. They head towards the island. They don't see anyone on any of the boats.

The Shadow thinks that the island is a man-made magnet that will pull ships and planes towards it. They can hear the beating of drums. The sounds of the natives can be heard, and they see The White God, who is using an extinct volcano as his base.

The natives are taking a guy up the hill and are going to kill him as a sacrifice to The White God.

There's a conversation between the guy and the supposed God. They know each other. The God had stolen a magnetic theory from the guy. The guy is then thrown into the volcano.

Then it's time for the mid-program commercial for tires.

The Shadow, Margot and the pilot go into the crater. The Shadow finds out how the guy turned the crater into a magnet. The pilot is killed.

They jump into some water at the bottom of the cavern, and find a woman there. They talk to her; she was thrown into the crater, but landed in the water and survived. The White God probably has had lots of people thrown to their deaths in the crater.

The Shadow talks to the woman who is the daughter of the guy who came up with the magnetic theory and who was killed by the White God.

Margot uses a searchlight to illuminate the top of the hill. The woman steps out of the shaft onto the rim of the crater so the natives can see her. The Shadow walks with her; he will do the talking; the natives will think the woman is speaking with a man's voice.

The Shadow tells the natives to bring the White God to him so he can challenge him. Collins, the White God, shows up. Collins demands the natives throw the woman into the crater, but they are not willing to obey him. The Shadow knocks Collins down. The Shadow tries to convince the natives that the woman is their new god.

Collins shoots the woman, but she's wearing a bullet-proof vest. The guy runs for his magnetizing device. He plans to cause the hill to shake and throw off the Shadow. The Shadow is next to Collins, though. The natives turn on Collins and kill him.

The volcano crumples, but the Shadow gets away.

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