Tunnel of Terror, Oct 24,1954

This is another review based on a script of the show, the original show apparently no longer existing. The events take place at a carnival which has a Tunnel of Terror ride.

The carnival's strongman, Leo, ends up killing a customer, and the carnival's manager, Weber, helps him take the body out to the ocean.

Later, Commissioner Weston talks to Lamont and Margot. The body of the guy has been found in the ocean, but an examination of the body revealed fresh water in the lungs. The carnival is outside Weston's jurisdiction, so he asks Lamont if he'll look into it.

At the carnival, Lamont talks to Vickey, a woman who works at the ticket counter at the tunnel and who was in love with the guy who was killed. He also talks to Weber, then later checks out the tunnel.

Meanwhile, Leo gets into an argument with Weber and kills him. Jim, the brother of the guy originally murdered, confronts Leo in the tunnel but is beaten. Then Leo hears the voice of the Shadow. He tries to cast a net over the Shadow, but fails.

The Shadow takes the net and casts it over Leo, trapping him while the police arrive.

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