The Nightmare Combination, Sept.19, 1954

Another review from a radio script. Main characters include someone named Joe, last name unknown; Marna Hildebrand, a “loose” young woman; Lou the Locksmith, and someone named Jehoviac whose first name is not known at the start.

Late at night at a trucking company they are awaiting a locksmith. They got the locksmith to come by saying Lamont recommended him, even though they don't know Lamont at all. By pure chance, at the same time Lamont and Margot is talking on the phone. By pure chance, she's at the same locksmith's, trying to get help for a friend of hers, and says the locksmith is not there, mentioning Jehoviac's name claiming Lamont is a friend of his and, of course, Lamont says he doesn't even know the man.

The locksmith works on the safe while Jehnoviac talks to Marna about killing the locksmith. Marna talks him out of doing that. The locksmith gets the safe open and there's lots of money in it.

Lamont talks to the locksmith back at his office. Marna and Jehoviac are nearby, thinking about killing Lamont, Margot and the locksmith. Lamont and Margot go to the trucking office. The locksmith is with them. They talk to the real Jehoviac, the other guy being a fake.

The three get back in the car and Lamont points out that they are being followed. They take the locksmith to Lamont's apartment; they drop him off there. Marna turns out to be waiting for him in the apartment. Lamont and Margot find out the money taken from the staff had been stolen money.

Lamont and Margot go back to the trucking office and find a man dead on the floor. Lamont leaves, telling Margot to call the cops. Jehoviac, the real one, has a gun on her; the fake one is the dead man. It turns out there are three Jehoviacs, all brothers. The one from the trucking company brings Margot back to Lamont's apartment and gets the drop on Marna.

They hear the voice of the Shadow for a few moments. The Shadow stops Jehoviac from shooting, and Margot gets his gun and Marna's, then Lamont enters the room a short time later.

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