Murder Before the Storm, Oct. 10, 1954

This is another review based on a script.

Captain Zeb is a ship's captain. Rita Zeb is his niece. Greg Tylor is a hotel manager.

Seacliff Inn had three deaths in the summer season, and the inn is going to be closed. Lamont and Margo are going to meet Andy Walton, the owner. The three people who had died did not die on the same date, but at different times during the summer season. Walton believes that someone is trying to bankrupt him and close the inn.

They talk to Capt. Zeb, who is anything but friendly. Tyler has been trying to put the moves on Rita. Lamont and Margo get to the inn just as Rita is leaving, and they plan to stay at the inn. They hear Rita scream and find out that she has discovered the body of Andy Walton.

Lamont recovers Walton's body, preventing it from being washed out to sea by the tide. Lamont goes to talk to Captain Zeb. Tyler lies about phoning the police, so Margo leaves to get the police herself. The Shadow will take over.

Rita tells Tyler that her uncle Zeb is on the way. Tyler admits killing the people since he felt that they had treated him like a clerk. He thinks he will end up owning the inn. He also admits he killed Walton.

The Shadow starts talking to Tyler and Rita flees. Zeb shoots at Tyler, and Tyler runs into the storm. Zeb confronts Tyler, and the Shadow tells Zeb to take Tyler to the police.

I think there is a really good short conversation between Margo and Lamont:

Margo: Lamont...

Cranston: Yes, Margo?

Margo: How does it feel to be able to strike such terror into the hearts of people?

Cranston: The Shadow doesn't really strike terror, Margo. The terror is already there, born of guilt or fear or remorse.

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