Death by Chapter, July 4, 1954

This one is from a script of the episode and not an actual recording.

Characters include Chet Hale, a magazine publisher, and Alvin Kane, a writer.

Chet wants Lamont's opinion on a manuscript. He feels that the guy who wrote it might be a criminal, so Lamont says he will check out the guy.

Lamont and Margo talk to a landlady, but she's lying about the writer not being in her place. Kane later threatens to kill the landlady, and it's obvious that he is almost if not actually insane.

Kane goes to the publishers and accuses the secretary of stealing his manuscript. Margo is at the boarding house and talks to Kane on the phone, convincing him into returning there.

The problem is that Kane has not done anything that he can actually be arrested for yet. Margo flees the house. The Shadow enters and the greedy landlady leaves. The Shadow talks to Kane, who has a gun. Ken says he is giong to kill the landlady, and also threatens to kill the Shadow.

The police arrest Kane (for having an illegal weapon), and have him put under mental observation.

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