The Man Who Murdered Time; Jan. 1, 1939

This one has a long musical opening. This is followed by an ad for the Silvertown Lifesaver Tread.

The show opens at the Cobalt Club with someone thanking Lamont for a gift to the club. Someone else had made a gift and is thanked. The guy's wife is not well. He's due to get a trust fund soon. The events are taking place on New Year's Eve. The guy also tells Lamont that his relative claims he has made a time machine. The relative only has a few days to live.

The guy, Hughes, meets his cousin, Willard. Willard is trying to enjoy his final day of life as much as he can. Willard poisons Hughes. Willard says his time machine can stop the future from happening. He then explains about the nature of time. He says his machine bends time and can form a circle of time.

He plans to live Dec. 31st over and over and over. He gives Hughes a demonstration of how the machine works. Hughes is now dying due to the poison Willard gave him.

Then it's back to Lamont's party. Time goes back when Willard uses his machine. Lamont realizes something has gone wrong. Margo also realizes. Everybody else, though, has forgotten. Lamont thinks it's his training that allows him and Margo to know what happened. It only works for Margo if she keeps touching him.

Then there's another commercial.

Lamont plans to find Hughe's relative and fix things. A couple of things happen that repeat things that happened a day earlier. Margo returns to her apartment. Lamont starts to feel the effects of the time shift.

Lamont goes through the club events again. Lamont follows Hughes as he returns to Willards, and then appears as the Shadow. The Shadow took away the poison. Hughes takes Lamont's hand and is able to change events slightly. The Shadow tells Hughes to escape.

Willard is talking like he did previously, and then he finally feels the will power of the Shadow. The Shadow tells Willard he broke the laws of nature. The Shadow then destroys the time machine, and time returns to normal.

Then it's back to Lamont's New Year's party. Hughes joins them at the party.

There's a long musical ending to the show.

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