Shadow Strikes 16

Lamont gets an invitation to something from 'Number One.' Lamont and some others have gone to an aquacade show where's there's a diver named Johnny Heimenweiser whose name is an obvious takeoff on Johnny Weismuller, the Tarzan actor. He dives into the water but five women in skimpy swimsuits come out of the water instead of him.

The male diver was killed and cut up. A guy named Bock is with Lamont and the others. He leaves the second girlie place they go to, gets home and we find out he is terribly henpecked. The Shadow shows up. Bock owes Number One money.

The Shadow goes to a building with Bock and he's attacked by five of the swimsuit-wearing women. Then a weird guy with a skull for a head shoots at him. The Shadow then checks out some guy's apartment and finds one of the swimsuits and a list of people to be killed. Lamont's name is one the list.

The real Lamont shows up and gets show but is rescued by the Shadow.

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