The Shadow Strikes #24

The issue is entitled Margo's Story.

The story is told from Harry Vincent's viewpoint about how he fell in love with Margo Lane. He's mad at the Shadow because Khan abducted Margo to China. He's also no longer an agent of the Shadow.

Margo had been married to a really rich guy, things went wrong, and she looked for another rich guy. It turns out the guy she found was one the Shadow was after to.

The guy tried to kill Margo, but she killed him, then went to work for the Shadow. Present-day Harry says he wants to free Margo from the Shadow's control.

None of the other agents will have anything to do with Harry. He goes to talk to Cardona who has also split from the Shadow and learns that Cardona is out to bust Lamont. Cardona talks about Lamont's past and Kent Allard. Later Harry finds out Margo had made a check out to an employment service in Harlem.

Harry goes to talk to the head of the agency but finds out that the guy is also one of the Shadow's agents. He finds a guy at a nightclub that knows some about Margo. It's also evident, though, that Harry has the usual prejudice against blacks so common at that time.

Harry meets a black woman in a voodoo shop that says she is Margo's mother, and that basically the woman worked as a prostitute in one of the houses. The father was an alderman who later closed the whorehouses.

The woman had a black male friend who liked Margo and yelled at the alderman. The guy ended up dead, and Margo swore to become a bad girl. (Her name was Mary at the time.)

Mary then went to Chicago, but had to leave that city and went to New York. Her mother doesn't know that Mary/Margo works for the Shadow.

When Harry gets back to his room, though, the Shadow is waiting there.

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