Shadow Strikes Annual #1

The first story takes place in Hollywood. Lamont knows someone there named Hartman and he and Margo take a plane to the city. Hartman is making a film and Glover is the producer. Lamont, Margo and Hartman have dinner together and Hartman goes into his sordid past. Some gangsters are still after him for money.

Lamont and Margo are at a party, and Hartman is on his way but thugs are trying to run him off the road. Hartman is gunned down. There's also another theme going, and that is unions forming and people who don't want they around.

The Shadow meanwhile kidnaps an anti-union thug and grills him about whether or not he was responsible for Hartman's murder. He wasn't.

A guy named Glover, the over-the-top Hollywood guy that showed up early in the story, is anti-union. He also wants to give a private screen test to Margo. The guy the Shadow kidnapped is now helping the Shadow, and it appears that there is a group of Communists that might be involved, along with the union, and those who don't want the union.

Meanwhile there's a Jewish guy that some thugs want to kill. It seems Glover has hired a Facist group to do his killing for him. Glover tries to get away in a plane, but the Shadow shoots it down.

The second story is about a newspaperman writing material about Margo. He starts following Margo around. He sees her talk to some guy, pass a note, get a cab quickly, and go to a bar. Then he sees her approach a guy he thinks pushes drugs. She promptly beats the guy up.

The reporter confronts Margo, but the Shadow is right there and tells the guy to leave his people alone.

Then there's an article on the Shadow in the movies.

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