Secrets & Mysteries

This is one of Sylvia Browne's many books and it deals with almost every paranormal-related topic you can think of. The book is divided into various sections:

Mysterious Places: Stonehenge, Easter Island, Shangra-La, the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis and Lemuria. This part is pretty interesting, especially the part on Shangra-La, although we would have to assume that the city has some type of cloaking device; otherwise spy satellites would have taken its picture long ago. Ms. Browne believes that Atlantis will begin to rise relatively soon. If it would, then I wonder what country would be able to claim salvage rights? If the place existed and did, indeed, have advanced technology, then there could be somewhat of a fight between nations to get there first and take what they could.

Strange Creatures: Tulpas, Fairies, Demons, Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, extraterrestrials, etc. Tulpas are basically things brought into being by the power of thought, which is quite interesting. She doesn't believe vampires really exist, although she does believe fairies do. She believes aliens are already living amongst us and resemble humans quite closely.

That is where I have a problem. The other way that could be, assuming evolution is true, is if they started the human race in some manner. Otherwise, since they evolved on a different planet with somewhat different conditions than Earth, then they would naturally have evolved to a slightly different appearance than humans, if not a noticeably different appearance. It's quite unlikely that they would have evolved in such a manner than they could freely pass among humans without anyone noticing, unless they had some kind of technology that allowed them to mimic human appearance.

Unexplained Objects: Crystal Skulls, Ica Stones, ancient maps, the Pyramids, the Sphinx and Crop Circles. I was not aware of the Ica Stones, and her material on that is quite interesting.

Mystic Phenomena: Spontaneous Human Combustion, Auras, Black Holes, The Hollow-Earth theory, alien abductions, etc. She definitely does not believe in the hollow-earth theory. She is of the group that believes that the government does not tell people the truth about UFOs because they want to avoid a panic. She absolutely believes that extraterrestrials do exist and do live amongst us.

Christian Controversies: Stigmata, the Shroud of Turin, the Holy Grail, the lost years of Jesus, the Devil, and Popular Holidays. This is an extremely interesting section, especially with her material on Jesus. Her take is that Jesus did no die on the cross; he was purposefully removed before he died. He traveled a lot, married Mary Magdalene and ended up living in France where he died at the age of 80. She doesn't believe that the devil exists per se.

This is a very interesting book and an excellent way to learn about a very wide variety of paranormal subjects all within the covers of a single book.

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