Religion and UFOs

If governments ever said officially that UFOs existed and that they were piloted by some form of extraterrestrial life than there would be a lot of different reactions to their presence.

One of these would be how would proof of the existence of other living beings impact Earth's religions?

First off, the aliens, if they exist, grew up on a different planet than our own. They had their own form of evolution. Their civilization need not necessarily be similar to our own. They might or might not have some form of religion.

They would be alien in more ways than just their physical appearance.

One of the ways people would consider the UFO aliens would be what form of religion do they have (if they have any at all.) I consulted some articles online and I found a rather wide variety of statements, including one that claimed the aliens would have to worship Jesus and be Christians.

Here's a summary of what I found.

NASA ran a program to see how people would react to the aliens. There were various opinions ranging from one stating Jesus lived on the Earth, was crucified on the Earth and rose again on the Earth and has nothing to do with space aliens.

Or, Jesus has been incarnated on these other planets also (although what happened to them on those other planets is unknown.)

If there is only one God in the entire universe then do all the inhabited planets follow the principles of God? (Then, again, which God are we talking about? Christian God? Jewish God? Islamic God? Or some God of any of the numerous religions that exist and existed in the past on the Earth?)

Also, once the aliens appear, then will the various religions try to convert them to human religious beliefs? (Which would be utterly arrogant. If would be like any time an advanced culture on Earth encounter a culture that was not as technologically advanced as their own and expecting the others to believe exactly the same way the 'advanced' culture believed? For example, when colonists in North America encountered the Native Americans they did everything they could to make them believe in the Christian God and to abandon the spiritual beliefs they had followed for probably thousands of years.)

Do the aliens need to be baptized?

Also, how would the aliens follow the beliefs and practices of any of the actual regions on the Earth? Would they go to church on Sundays? Would they have to face Mecca when they prayed? Would they accept the concept of a 'virgin birth?'

Would prophets of Earth religions be duplicated on other planets or would they have their own prophets or no prophets at all? How would Earth religions react if the aliens were atheists?

All this also assumes that intelligent life has arisen on other planets. We have absolutely no proof than any form of life at any level exists anywhere in the universe but on our own planet.

It's very probably that there are innumerable numbers of planets that life has arisen on (and perhaps died out on) but we have zero proof that such a thing has happened.

What happens if we find out that human beings are not the 'crowning achievement' of God? Right off, if aliens exist then they are way technologically advanced over us. That could be decades ahead of us or even thousands of years ahead of us.

We have sent human beings to the moon but that's it (and then we stopped doing that.) There are plans to send humans to Mars but it looks very much that such a thing will take a lot longer than it was assumed.

Evangelicals would have a hard time dealing with this since they have Avery literal religious beliefs and aliens would not fit into those.


One item was that all paths to God go through Jesus but Jesus is a human. Or, did he appear on planets with alien life forms? Then, again, why should aliens have to subscribe to human ideas and beliefs?

One possibility presented is that humans are uniquely and are the only ones that needed intercession with God via Jesus.

If life exists through the universe then it's reasonable to assume that some is behind us in evolution, some about the same level we are and some beyond our technologically level. (And beyond our spiritual level?)

One of the articles noted that religion tends to split populations into us and them. When you do that you open a whole can of worms of discrimination, hatred and violence.

Some believe alien contact will eventually lead us to abandon religions. On the other hand some think that our religions will survive (although maybe changed in some ways.)