Star Trek Discovery: Fear Itself

The main character in this book is Saru. Saru is of a species that is prey to others and that culture leads him and the others like him to be fearful a lot of the time. It can, at times, be a near crippling fear. In this case Saru makes some choices which are questionable and ends up in a situation where he and others are in danger of being killed. He's also in the middle of two different groups of beings, one acting like it's the superior form and the other the inferior form.

His greatest challenge is to handle his fear and yet at the same time do whatever he can to defuse a potentially explosive situation.

Herein lies the strength of the book, Saru's character growing, dealing with a situation that rightfully places a burden of fear on him and others. It fits Star Trek Discovery which focuses a great deal on individual characters and their problems and growth.

I enjoyed the book. It's the book I've read in this series and is just as good as the other two that I read.

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